Zaharian Stefan – Berzei

Zaharian Stefan (nea Fanica), a fost un cafegiu originar din Kemah (regiune din care provin majoritatea negustorilor de cafea). Nascut in 1904, fiind cel mai mic copil într-o familie cu sapte copii .In 1914 a venit în România, la Calafat, unde se gaseau deja fratii sai. S-a casatorit cu Meline Inegian în 1928 ( cununat de familia Atamian Stefan si Erceanic, tot cafegii). A lucrat într-un mic magazin de « coloniale » împreuna cu fratii sai.

In 1935 a venit la Bucuresti si a deschis un magazin de cafea pe strada Berzei, iar dupa un an a mutat magazinul pe str. Bratianu nr. 24, unde a ramas pana în 1940, când a cedat magazinul sau domnului Danielian. A lucrat la domnul Danielian, ca sef de magazin, la magazinul de cafea din str. Carol, lânga « Cocorul », apoi a redeschis un magazin pe str.Pictor Verona (lânga cinema Patria), pâna în 1958. Nea Fanica a fost închis de comunisti pentru detinere de aur iar, dupa eliberare, în anii 1960-1970 a fost angajat de stat în magazinul de cafea din coltul pietii Gemeni. A murit la Bucuresti în anul 1974. Unica lui fiica, Hermina a fost casatorita cu Vava Pelenghian, celebrul arbitru de handbal.

Informatii oferit de doamna Alice Grigorian – urmasa familiei de cafegii Atamian

English version

Zaharian Stefan (nee Fanica), was a coffee shop originally from Kemah (the region where most of the coffee merchants come from). Born in 1904, being the youngest child in a family with seven children. In 1914 he came to Romania, to Calafat, where his brothers were already. He married Meline Inegian in 1928 (married to the Atamian Stefan and Erceanic family, also cofee sellers). He worked in a small “colonial” shop together with his brothers. In 1935 he came to Bucharest and opened a coffee shop on Berzei Street, and after a year he moved the shop to Bratianu Street no. 24, where he stayed until 1940, when he sold his shop to Mr. Danielian. He worked for Mr. Danielian, as a shop manager, at the coffee shop in St. Carol, next to “Cocorul”, then he reopened a shop on St. Pictor Verona (next to the Patria cinema), until 1958. Nea Fanica was closed by communists for possessing gold and, after his release, in the 1960s-1970s he was employed by the state in the coffee shop on the corner of Gemini Square. He died in Bucharest in 1974. His only daughter, Hermina, was married to Vava Pelenghian, the famous handball referee. Information provided by Mrs. Alice Grigorian – descendant of the Atamian cafe family

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