Oglinda – The Mirror

matusile mele erau armence, aveau o educatie foarte aleasa si erau foarte severe cand era vorba de exemplu de felul in care te porti in public. Copil fiind, imi amintesc ca una dintre ele imi spunea:


ai grija inainte sa iesi din curte sa te uiti in oglinda de pe poarta (poarta de la casa unde locuia avea o mica oglinda fixata pe interiorul portii), verifica daca te-ai aranjat bine si, cand ai pasit in afara curtii, sa lasi in urma toate problemele si necazurile tale, sa le lasi acasa, oamenii nu trebuie sa vada problemele tale, trebuie sa vada o persoana mandra, demna”…Toti aveau pe vremea aceea cate un negot, mai mic sau mai mare si imi spunea „daca vei lua cu tine necazurile tale, le vei transmite fara sa-ti dai seama si clientilor tai si in scurt timp ii vei pierde pentru ca oamenii evita sa se adune cu persoane care au probleme”

– povestite de o doamna al carei nume nu l-am retinut – cu ocazia lansarii cafelei Avedis – Constanta 2013


…my aunts were Armenian, had a very selective education and were very strict when it came to, for example, the way you behave in public. As a child, I remember one of them telling me: “be careful before leaving the yard to look in the mirror on the gate (the gate of the house where he lived had a small mirror fixed on the inside of the gate), check if you well arranged and, when you stepped outside the yard, to leave behind all your problems and troubles, to leave them at home, people should not see your problems, they should see a proud, dignified person”… At that time, everyone had some a business, smaller or bigger, and he told me “if you take your troubles with you, you will transmit them without realizing it to your customers and in a short time you will lose them because people avoid gathering with people who have problems”…

– told by a lady whose name I did not remember – on the occasion of the launch of Avedis coffee – Constanta 2013


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