La Hagop – Hagop Krikorian


Hagop Krikorian s-a nascut in satul Haini, Dikranakert – Armenia de Vest. Dupa ce si-a pierdut tatal si doi frati in timpul Genocidului, a reusit sa fuga cu mama, sora si fratele mic



prin Irak, Siria, Liban si a ajuns in Romania prin Beirut in anul 1921, unde era fratele mai mare care fugise din Turcia in timpul razboiului Balcanic (1912). In anul 1925-26 a deschis, in Bucuresti, pe strada Campineanu la numarul 13 sau 15, o pravalie de cafea si coloniale cu firma “La Hagop”, pe locul unde este acum blocul Unic. Magazinul a functionat din 1925 pana in 1949 cand a fost nationalizat si inchis.

Povestite de domnul Krikor Krikorian, fiul lui Hagop Krikorian

Krikorian Hagop_2 Krikorian Hagop

In prima poza – Hagop Krikorian prajind cafea in curtea din spatele pravaliei.
In a doua poza – Hagop Krikorian in 1935.

English version

Hagop Krikorian was born in the village of Haini, Dikranakert – Western Armenia. After losing his father and two brothers during the Genocide, he managed to escape with his mother, sister and younger brother through Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and arrived in Romania through Beirut in 1921, where he was the older brother who had fled from Turkey during the Balkan War (1912). In the year 1925-26, he opened, in Bucharest, on Campineanu street at number 13 or 15, a coffee and colonial shop with the company “La Hagop”, on the place where the Unique block is now. The store operated from 1925 until 1949 when it was nationalized and closed. Narrated by Mr. Krikor Krikorian, son of Hagop Krikorian

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