…bunicul si bunica din partea tatei, pe numele lor Lazarovici Vartan si Lazarovici Matilda (pe numele de fata Vartan) au deschis in comuna Vidra din fostul judet Putna (azi Vrancea) un magazin cu profil divers, mai putin alimentar, in special panzeturi, materiale necesare in gospodarie, etc. Anul deschiderii a fost 1912, iar magazinul functiona intr-o casa inchiriata in apropierea centrului comunei. In timpul primului razboi mondial bunicul a fost pe front , iar bunica impreuna cu tatal meu au plecat din Vidra din cauza bombardamentelor germane. Obuzele germane erau trase de pe Magura Odobestiului si au distrus practic cladirile comunei, inclusiv magazinul.
Bunicii provin din familiile de armeni stabilite in Moldova pe timpul lui Alexandru cel Bun. Intai au fost la Botosani, apoi s-au deplasat la Focsani si de aici la Panciu unde strabunicul se ocupa cu cultura vitei de vie.
Au redeschis magazinul in 1920 si s-au ocupat cu comertul pana prin anii 1954 cand au fost declarati chiaburi si evacuati din casa lor stil vagon care avea la strada magazinul. De treburile magazinului se ocupa bunica, iar de aprovizionare bunicul. Magazinul era pe strada principala a comunei, in plin centru. Dupa cativa ani au revenit in casa lor, dar magazinul nu li s-a restituit si, in el a fost deschis un atelier mestesugaresc.
Nu stiu ce profit avea comertul practicat de bunici, dar este clar ca era un profit apreciabil care le-a permis sa intretina la Bucuresti pe cei trei fii pana la terminarea studiilor universitare (toti au urmat cursurile Academiei de Inalte Studii Economice). Cred ca magazinul a fost unul din putinele magazine satesti deschise de armeni.
In prima fotografie este Lazarovici Vartan, iar in a doua de la stanga la dreapta sunt Lazarovici Matilda,Lazarovici Stefan (primul nascut) cu mine in brate(Lazarovici Gabriel-Antonie) si Lazarovici Vartan. In spate se vede cladirea in care era magazinul.
– povestit de Lazarovici Gabriel-Antonie – nepotul celor doi.
…the paternal grandfather and grandmother, named Lazarovici Vartan and Lazarovici Matilda (maiden name Vartan) opened a shop with a diverse profile, less food, especially linens, in the commune of Vidra in the former county of Putna (today Vrancea). materials needed in the household, etc. The year of opening was 1912, and the store operated in a rented house near the center of the commune. During the first world war, my grandfather was at the front, and my grandmother and my father left Vidra because of the German bombings. The German shells were fired from Magura Odobestiului and practically destroyed the buildings of the commune, including the store. The grandparents come from Armenian families established in Moldova during the time of Alexander the Good. First they went to Botosani, then they moved to Focsani and from there to Panciu, where the great-grandfather deals with the culture of vines. They reopened the store in 1920 and dealt with trade until 1954, when they were declared vagrants and evicted from their wagon-style house that had the store on the street. Grandma was in charge of the store, and grandfather was in charge of supplies. The store was on the main street of the commune, right in the center. After a few years, they returned to their home, but the store was not returned to them, and a craft workshop was opened in it. I don’t know how profitable the trade practiced by the grandparents was, but it is clear that it was an appreciable profit that allowed them to support their three sons in Bucharest until they finished their university studies (they all attended the courses of the Academy of Advanced Economic Studies). I think the store was one of the few village stores opened by Armenians. In the first photo is Lazarovici Vartan, and in the second from left to right are Lazarovici Matilda, Lazarovici Stefan (the first born) with me in my arms (Lazarovici Gabriel-Antonie) and Lazarovici Vartan. Behind you can see the building where the store was.
– narrated by Lazarovici Gabriel-Antonie – the grandson of the two.
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