Derenig Danielian a fost unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti si buni profesionisti ai comertului cu cafea din Bucurestiul interbelic. La inceput singur si, mai apoi impreuna cu fratele sau Vaham, a creat un adevarat brand cu firma “Cafea Ideal”, devenind chiar Furnizorul Casei Regale fiind si importator de cafea si coloniale.
Danielian a detinut o serie de magazine de cafea, si o fabrica de produse zaharoase cu firma “Ideal”. Magazinele sale au fost situate pe strazile Carol, Sf. Nicolae Selari, Bratianu si Academiei iar, fabrica de dulciuri s-a aflat pe strada Lucaci intr-un imobil confiscat si nationalizat ulterior de comunisti.
Se spune ca cel mai cunoscut si apreciat a fost magazinul situat pe strada Academiei nr.1, un magazin nu foarte mare, dar pozitionat intr-o zona cu intens trafic pietonal si cu o clientela deosebita.
…pravalia de pe Academiei a fost binecuvantata, a fost cea mai tare unitate de cafea din Bucuresti, avea un subsol imens acolo erau masinile de prajit cafea…acolo se prajeau 15-20 de saci de cafea pe zi, spatiul mic era totusi un handicap pentru ca cel mai bine e sa ai masinile de prajit la vedere, sa vada clientul, sa miroasa cafeaua proaspat prajita… Magazinul de la Danielian a trecut pe mana fiului sau Azad, zis si Pasalica, de la Azad a preluat Mendoian. Dupa plecarea in `70 a lui Mendoian, pravalia a fost preluata de Gaizak Ohanesian, care acum e in Los Angeles.
Povestite de Haig Papugian
…magazinul de cafea si coloniale de pe Academiei al lui Derenig Danielian, un mare negustor din acele timpuri, avea firma Cafea Ideal, magazin foarte frumos amenajat, cu un mobilier oriental, aveai impresia că te afli într-un palat din Bagdad, toate vasele de expunere erau din aramă, era spectaculos…Derenig avea şi o fabrică de dulciuri. Danielian era prieten cu Gheorghiu-Dej, iar cand acesta din urma a fost intr-o vizita in URSS si de acolo ajuns si in Armenia, si l-a invitat si pe Danielian sa-l insoteasca.
Povestite de Haig Keskerian
Cutie pentru cafea cu firma “Cafea Ideal”
Magazinul de pe Academiei.
Derenig Danielian was one of the most famous and good professionals of the coffee trade in interwar Bucharest. At first alone and then together with his brother Vaham, he created a real brand with the company “Cafea Ideal”, becoming even the Supplier of the Royal House, being also an importer of coffee and colonials. Danielian owned a series of coffee shops, and a factory of sugar products with the company “Ideal”. His shops were located on Carol, Sf. Nicolae Selari, Bratianu and Academiei streets, and the sweets factory was located on Lucaci street in a building confiscated and later nationalized by the communists.
It is said that the most famous and appreciated was the store located on Academiei street no. 1, a not very big store, but positioned in an area with intense pedestrian traffic and with a special clientele. …the shop on Academiei was blessed, it was the coolest coffee establishment in Bucharest, it had a huge basement where there were coffee roasting machines…there they roasted 15-20 bags of coffee a day, the small space was still a handicap because the best thing is to have the roasting machines in sight, for the customer to see, to smell the freshly roasted coffee… The store from Danielian passed into the hands of his son Azad, also called Pasalica, from Azad Mendoian took over. After Mendoian’s departure in `70, Gaizak Ohanesian took over the role, who is now in Los Angeles. Narrated by Haig Papugian
The coffee and colonial shop on Academia of Derenig Danielian, a great merchant of those times, had the Cafea Ideal company, a very nicely decorated shop, with oriental furniture, you had the impression that you were in a palace in Baghdad, all the vessels the exhibition were made of brass, it was spectacular… Derenig also had a sweets factory. Danielian was a friend of Gheorghiu-Dej, and when the latter visited the USSR and from there arrived in Armenia, he invited Danielian to accompany him. Narrated by Haig Keskerian
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