Une maison commerciale de grande exception.

Intorcandu-me din lungul meu voiagiu din Orient, am onoare de a anunta onor. clientela ca am adus un mare asortiment de tapeturi si portiere la preturi exceptionale de reduse
Calde multimiri urmaselor familiei Djabourov, Madeleine si Jeanine pentru contributia la realizarea acestui articol.
- Introducere
English version below
Inca din secolul al V-lea izvoarele istorice orientale mentioneaza frecvent folosirea covoarelor pentru impodobirea podelelelor, a peretilor bisericilor sau pentru a sedea la masa. Surse din istorice sau din literatura greaca, iraniana, araba, sau bulgara ne vorbesc elogiativ inca din perioada pre-crestina despre covoarele tesute de armeni oferite ca tribut, ca taxe sau alte ori luate ca prada de razboi. Sursele arabe se refera la suprematia covoarelor de rugaciune armenesti, adesea considerate ca fiind forma de arta islamica prin excelenta.
Lucrurile au inceput sa se schimbe cand ultimul regat armean din Cilicia din ceea ce este acum sud-estul Turciei a cazut in mainile mamelucilor egipteni in secolul al XIII-lea. In acel moment, multi armeni au fugit din patria lor, stabilindu-se in Romania, Polonia, Crimeea si Iran. Nu intamplator, in aceasta perioada a inceput tesutul foarte dezvoltat de covoare in aceste tari si in alte tari, deoarece armenii isi duceau mestesugurile cu ei si le transferau populatiilor locale din tarile gazda. Poate izvorand de aici s-a perpetuat pana spre perioada moderna aplecarea armenilor catre negotul cu covoare orientale, fiind considerati inca din cele mai vechi timpuri printre cei mai iscusiti negustori, tesatori si chiar restauratori de covoare. In tarile romane, pe langa covoare, armenii se ocupau in general negustorii de mai mica sau mai mare anvergura, coloniale, bacanie, cafea, manufactura sau mestesuguri, cizmarie, croitorie etc.
Unul dintre valurile de emigrare a armenilor este urmarea tragicelor evenimente de la cumpana dintre secolele XIX si XX. Astfel, anii 1890-1896 anii ultimului masacru din Turcia imperialista, din timpul domniei lui Abdul Hamid, supranumit din cauza cruzimii sale Sultanul Rosu, aduc aici emigranti din Constantinopol si din alte orase ale Imperiului Otoman, iar masacrele din 1909, 1915, 1922 produc cel mai mare aflux de refugiati. Majoritatea emigrantilor secolului XX erau oameni simpli, meseriasi si negustori din Izmir, sau Constantinopol, din Bursa sau Cilicia. Meseriasii erau cizmari. Negustorii erau de cafea si delicatese, de manufactura, de cereale sau covoare orientale. Meseriile profesate erau In general legate de locul de origine, cizmarii erau din Rodosto, vanzatorii de cafea si delicatese erau din Erzingan, Kemah sau Sabin-Karahisar. Au fost printre ei si intelectuali, medici, profesori si scriitori de limba armeana, cantareti de opera. Trebuie mentionat ca In timpul masacrelor Impotriva armenilor au fost asasinati cu precadere intelectuali.(Eduard Jemagocian)
In jurul anului 1870, un anume Bedros Djabourov deschide in in Bucuresti, pe fosta strada Podul Mogosoaiei, nou denumita Calea Victoriei dupa Razboiului de Independenta incheiat la 1878.
Istoria casei Djabourov Incepe In 1870 odata cu deschiderea primului magazin pe numele lui B. Djabourov pe Calea Victoriei. Bedros aduce din Constantinopol In magazinul sau toata magia Orientului, din Asia Mica, pana In Iran, China si chiar Japonia. Acest magazin este rapid recunoscut ca excelenta In domeniul artei orientale: covoare persane si turcesti, cloisonné chinezesc, lac, portelanuri cu decoratiuni bogate, cele mai pretioase tesaturi, matasuri din Japonia si atatea alte minuni se vor succeda In vitrina acestui magazin. Tot Bucurestiul a fost fermecat! Existau Insa si tot felul de alte marfuri de calitate care erau oferite pentru toate buzunarele, la preturi „competitive”, asa cum s-ar spune astazi. Toata lumea este invitata sa vina sa vada!
Cand Bedros a murit brusc, In 1918, la varsta de 69 ani, fiul sau, Stefan, i-a urmat, pe cand avea doar 19 ani. Dar tatal sau, i-a transmis foarte devreme „know-how”-ul sau, iar fiul va prelua torta acestei Intreprinderi prospere. Dupa primul razboi, lumea s-a schimbat. Femeia este mai independenta, mai libera In activitatile ei; automobilul se dezvolta, este mai usor de calatorit, e la moda vilegiatura la mare sau la munte, moda vestimentara s-a schimbat. Case de moda apar la Paris sau la Milano, producatorii englezi sunt renumiti, creatiile germane sunt cautate. Bucurestiul, care a fost supranumit „micul Paris al Balcanilor”, priveste spre Occident. Tanarul Stefan Intelege asta. El va diversifica activitatile casei Djabourov si va aduce modernitatea la care se asteptau oamenii. Motto-ul sau va fi In franceza „Totul pentru a Impodobi femeia si a-i Infrumuseta casa” („Tout pour parer la femme et embellir sa demeure”). El Insusi creeaza propria sa linie de produse sub acronimul ID „Intreprinderile Djabourov”, Inconjurandu-se de cei mai buni mesteri romani si inspirandu-se din stilul creatilor din Occident. Arta Orientala continua pentru amatori si colectionari cunoscatori.
Vom spune povestea acestui succes, pana la distrugerea firmei odata cu venirea comunistilor.(Madeleine)
Magazinul Djabourov de pe Calea Victoriei va deveni in scurt timp cel mai renumit magazin din Bucuresti fiind cunoscut pentru faptul ca schimba in fiecare zi aranjamentul vitrinei, iar aristocratia bucuresteana din acele timpuri il vizita pentru a fi la curent cu ultimele tendinte ale modei de la Paris.
Dar sa vedem pas cu pas cine a fost Djabourov !
Pentru inceput, in Monitorul Oficial din 18 februarie 1884, il gasim pe Bedros Djabourov pe o “lista a alegatorilor la camera de comerciu pentru comuna Constanta”.

Pentru ca in acelasi an sa aflam ca mai avea o pravalie in Constanta si organiza o “lotarie de bine-facere cu obiecte de arta” in orasul Constanta, unde fiecare bilet avea dreptul la castig.

Ulterior, se muta la Bucuresti, pe Calea Victoriei nr.72 unde deschide Magasin general de Paris. Din acest moment firma Djabourov devine un punct de referinta pentru viata Bucurestilor.
Ce se vindea Djabourov in afara de covoare putem sa aflam si din reclamele in presa vremii in exprimarea autentica a autorului:
- Mare asortiment de tapeturi din Persia, Khorasan – Ferachan, Turcia, Smyrna – Koula, Ouchac, Jordes, Dagistan, Somac, Bukara, Belucistan, Herat, Zili, Chetde, Kiricheliu, Torcoman
- Portiere si perdele din Djidimes, Caramales, Tunisiene
- Covoare persane turcesti
- Mobile stil
- Articole artistice din China si Japonia
- Ceai de Maning – pare cam nepotrivit ca niste magazine care vand obiecte de arta sa vanda si ceai, dar in acele vremuri magazinele nu aveau un profil clar definit. De pilda, in prevalia negustorului Nefian, puteai gasi de vinzare arme si icoane…
- Marochinerie si articole de voiagiu (geamantane pentru calatorii transatlantice, cufere, genti modele fanteziste etc)
- Bijuterii si argintarie
- Imbracaminte, costume de baie, ciorapi marca Kayser, Gerard Fortier, Gaston Verdier
In 1886

Ziarul Epoca 1888

Ziarul Lupta octombrie 1888

Ziarul Lupta decembrie 1888

Ziarul Epoca 1896
Gratie onoarei si flerului sau negustoresc este remarcat de reprezentantii Casei Regale a Romaniei si primeste de-a lungul timpului o serie de distinctii.
In anul 1886 primeste printr-un Brevet Regal, distinctia de Trimis al Curtii Regale.
Majestatea Sa Regele Romaniei,
Informandu-se de moralitatea si buna purtarea domnului B. Djabourov – Magasin de obiecte orientale, la Bucuresci – precum si de reputatiunea ce si-a dobandit in specialitatea sa dorindu a i da o dovada despre a Sa buna vointa mi a ordonat a elibera numitului Brevet de fata cu titlul de Trimis al Curtii Regale.
Bucuresci, Decembrie, 1886
Maresalul Curtei Majestatii Sale Regelui
Prefectul Palatului

Urmand ca in curand sa devina Furnisorul Curtii Regale de covoare si obiecte de lux:
Domnul meu,
M.S Regele, Augustul Nostru Suveran, binevoieste a va acorda titlul de Furnisor al Curtei, ce ati solicitat prin petitiunea Dvoastre, am onoare din Inalt ordin a va remite si alaturare brevetul respectiv, rugandu-va ca sa binevoiti a mi inapoia buletinul, anexat pe langa dansul insotit de cuvenitele anotatiuni.
Primiti va rog, Domnul meu, incredintarea osebitei mele consideratiuni.
Prefectul Palatului
Domniei Sale
Domnului B. Djabourov
Magasin de obiecte orientale la Bucuresci.

In 1889 la Expozitia Universala de la Paris, Bedros obtine Medalia de Argint „Médaille d’argent, Groupe IV Classe 36, Roumanie :la sectiunea consacrata la tema „Materiale, imbracaminte si accesorii; haine de ambele sexe”. Aceasta a fost o faimoasa expozitie la inaugurarea Turnul Eiffel din Paris. Diploma este data de „République Française” si se precizeaza ca B. Djabourov reprezinta Romania la acest eveniment.

In 1900 primeste inca o data Medalia de Argint la Expozitia Universala de la Paris

In 1906 primeste medalia jubiliara Carol I
1906, Maiu, 10
Ministerul Afacerilor Straine
Cancelaria Ordinelor
Brevet pentru Medalia Jubiliara Carol I – i s`a conferit d-lui B. Djabourov – comersant – Bucuresti.
I s`a dat acest brevet, conform Decretului Regal No. 5.384 din 28 Decemvrie 1905 publicat in Monitorul Oficial No.218 din 1 Ianuarie 1906
In numele Ministrului Afacerilor Straine
Cancelar al Ordinelor

Tot in 1906 la Expozitia Generala a Jubileului primeste din partea Ministrului Comerciului, Industriei, Agriculturei, si Domeniilor, titlul de Colaborator cu placheta.

In 1914 primeste din partea lui Carol I, medalia Meritul Comercial si Industrial Clasa I.
Medalia “Meritul Comercial si Industrial” Clasa I-a
Carol I
Prin gratia lui Dumnezeu si Vointa Nationala
Rege al Romaniei
La toti de fata si viitorii sanatate
Conferim medalia Meritul Comercial si Industrial Clasa I. Domnului B. Djabourov – comerciant din Bucuresti.
Drept care`i dam acest brevet subscris de Noi si investit cu regescul Nostru sigiliu.
Dat in Castelul Peles la 5 august 1914.

Ziarul Adevarul 22 octombrie 1905
- Familia Djabourov

Bedros si Manig Djabourov – din arhiva familiei
Cine a fost acest Djabourov uneori Djaburov sau chiar Giaburov dupa unele transliteratii mai stangace ?! Ne povesteste doamna Madeleine Djabourov, nepoata lui Bedros:
Familia Djabourov se trage de la Constantinopole, mama sa, Takuhi Aceabahian se nascuse acolo in 1826 si a avut patru copii, pe Bedros, cel ce avea sa devina unul dintre cei mai mari negustori armeni din Bucuresti, si pe sora sa Galinig care s-a stabilit in Egipt, la Alexandria. Galinig a avut o fata, Daria Gamsaragan, mare sculptorita si scriitoare care a trait la Paris.
Tot ce stim acum despre viata lui Bedros cand era copil a fost scris de Daria Gamsaragan in memoriile ei care se găsesc in arhivele familiei Djabourov. Ea povesteste asa:
Erau patru fete. Tatal lor era ebenist. Ii placea sa lucreze cu lemnul, decora mobilierul cu motive florale si figuri animale. Ii placea sa se joace cu materia, sa-si slefuiasca lucrarile cu multa minutiozitate dar, mesterii de atunci erau prost platiti si veniturile familiei erau modeste.
A treia fata a ebenistului, Takuhi, a fost casatorita la varsta de saisprezece ani cu un batran cu sanatatea subreda. Dupa doi ani, Takuhi a ramas vaduva. Dupa perioada de doliu reglementara, sa recasatorit. In ciuda rigiditatii conventiilor, a existat o anumita simpatie in relatiile viitorilor soti, inainte de mariaj. Viitorul sot, Djabourov, era din Smirna. Acolo se gasea o mare colonie greceasca. Grecii erau adevaratii stapani ai orasului, prosperi si dominanti. Sub influenta lor, armenii dobandisera o lejeritate, o bucurie de a trai, pe care o pierdusera in metropola imperiala, Constantinopol. Umbra haremurilor, puterea sultanilor mentineau in sufletele oamenilor o stare de frica perpetua. Chiar si in perioadele de calm, amintirea persecutiilor bantuia spiritele de acolo. Explozia urii religioase a reprezentat tot timpul un pericol, cum s-a adeverit de atunci.
Strain de acest climat, Djabourov, sotul lui Takuhi, parea sa fi fost un om vesel caruia ii placea viata buna si compania unor prieteni veseli. El profita de orice ocazie pentru a face excursii frecvente in orasul sau natal. In ciuda grijilor care cresteau in fiecare zi, Takuhi a trait atunci anii cei mai fericiti din viata ei.
Kadiköy a fost locul ales al familiei. De la bunicul ebenist, acolo s-au nascut patru generatii si au trait inconjurate de prietenii lor, prietenia fiind si ea ereditara. Casa, in care s-au nascut Bedros si Galinig, avea toate ferestrele decorate cu ghivece de resede si begonii, o casa cu mai multe etaje, o mica gradina interioara cu un smochin minunat.
Sotul lui Takuhi a murit tanar, lasand patru copii mici pe care a trebuit sa-i creasca singura, fara ajutorul nimanui. Takuhi s-a pus pe treaba intr-un atelier de broderie, plecand in zori pentru a ajunge la celalalt capat al Constantinopolului. Trebuie sa fi fost foarte experta, judecand dupa putinele exemplare de broderii mostenite de familie.
Takuhi a facut tot ce a putut, pana la limita puterilor ei, pentru a ascunde copiilor dificultatile financiare de care era cuprinsa. De indata ce baiatul cel mare, Bedros, a fost in varsta de a muncii, el a avut grija de sora sa Galinig, ca un tata. In caminul lor domnea intelegerea si tandretea, invaluindu-i intr-o asemenea atmosfera de fericire, incat Galinig a ramas impresionata de viata de atunci. Dragostea cu care Galinig a inconjurat amintirea mamei ei a comunicat-o si fiicei ei, Daria. Astfel, bunica lui Daria, pe care ea nu o cunoscuse, ii devenise la fel de draga, la fel de apropiata ca mama ei.
Familiile Djabourov si Gamsaragan se regaseau regulat in vacanta vara la Tarabya langa Constantinopol sau la Tasdelen.
Nu stim cum Bedros Djabourov ajunge in Romania, poate incurajat de rude care se aflau deja aici, de varul sau Hrand Cavaff , cunoscut negustor de covoare orientale, proprietarul magazinului La Arta Orientala…cine poate stii ?! In reclamele vremii Bedros scrie ca firma este fondata in 1873, iar in 1884 avem prima atestare a sa pe pamant romanesc sub forma unui anunt cu privire la o tombola.
Bedros se casatoreste cu o armeanca pe nume Mannig Hamparzumian si vor avea trei copii: Malvina (1889 – 1973, Bucuresti), Madeleine (Mady) (1895, Bucuresti – 1969, Tanger, Maroc) si Stefan Aram (19 Iunie 1899, Bucuresti – 31 August 1979, Paris, Franta). Bedros era indragostit si admirativ fata de sotia sa si ii oferea bijuterii si cadouri pretioase. Era un om rafinat, se interesa de toate culturile si a parcurs lumea in căutarea de ceea ce era cel mai bun. (Madeleine)

Stefan Aram – Succesor Djabourov

Cand Bedros Djabourov a decedat in decembrie 1918, Stefan
avea 19 ani si incepuse studii de comert la Lausanne in Elvetia. El a
trebuit sa intrerupa aceste studii si sa preia conducerea firmei tatalui sau. Stefan
era foarte apropiat de tatal lui: apar pe fotografii ei doi impreuna asezati la
o terasa undeva in strainatate Stefan era copil. Stefan a luat obiceiul de a
voiaja foarte tanar si va pastra acest gust toata viata lui.
Stefan Djabourov, copil, cu sora lui Madeleine si tatal lor, Bedros, la Karlesberg
Stefan avea o personalitate foarte atragatoare. Era foarte deschis catre lume,
vorbea sapte limbi cu mare usurinta, era interesat de arte in general, de noile
metode de comert, de rolul publicitati, de toate inovatiile tehnice. Avea un
mare simt de observatiei. De asemenea, ii placea sa spuna povesti amuzante cand
era inconjurat de prieteni, se autointitula „cetatean al lumii”, arata mereu un
optimism senin si spunea ca trebuie sa privesti mereu inainte si nu inapoi, desi
soarta lui dupa al doilea razboi nu a fost intocmai cea pentru care se pregatise.(Madeleine)
Stefan preia firma Djabourov si o duce pe inalte culmi gratie viziunii si ambitiei sale.
A reluat directia magazinelor fara de a schimba numele initial „B. Djabourov”.
Marfa de baza au fost covoarele orientale, era un comert foarte raspandit atunci, in Bucuresti fiind zeci de covorari armeni. Ei nu numai ca vindeau, dar si cumparau anumite covoare de valoare pe care ulterior le revindeau. In spatele acestui proces era o intreaga stiinta a evaluarii unui covor dupa numarul de noduri, dupa material, dupa model, dupa vechime… La mare pret fiind covoarele vechi, cautate adesea de colectionari sau persoanele din clasa de varf ca investitie, acestea nu se devalorizau niciodata dimpotriva, valoarea lor crestea odata cu timpul.
In magazin, se vindeau intre altele obiecte de casa si moda importate din Germania, din Anglia, din Franta totdeauna de cea mai buna calitate. De exemplu, magazinul avea reprezentatia de la firma Alfred Dunhill (Anglia) si de la Elsa Schiaparelli (Italia si Franta). Magazinele aveau o deviza pe frantuzeste „Tout pour parer la femme et embellir sa demeure” (Totul pentru a impodobi femeia si a-i infrumuseta casa). (Madeleine)
In ce priveste segmentul de marochinarie Stefan Djabourov se asociaza cu Paul Milker, un mare mester neamt, specialist in confectii din piele si cufere, avand distinctia de Furnizor al Curtii Regale, astfel ca vom intalni deseori numele alaturate in reclame Milker – Djabourov.

Stefan a infiintat „Intreprinderile Djabourov” Societate
Anonima Romana, Reg. Com. 119/1936. Magazinele Djabourov nu numai ca vindeau
marfa importata sau fabricata in tara, precum era activitatea tatalui sau, dar
le a dat o noua orientare si s-a ambitionat sa creeze a linie noua de produse
pe marca „ID”, produse care erau fabricate in tara de ateliere pe care el le
selectiona. E vorba de ateliere de mobilier, marochinarie, argintarie, covoare
etc. El a instaurat reguli sociale pentru personalul din ateliere si din
magazine. Era mandru sa spuna ca este el nu numai negustor, dar si antreprenor si
Din ziarul Argus din aprilie 1924 aflam despre o dizolvarea unei societatati Industria Orientala, o fabrica de covoare din Timisoara.
In gasim amintit ca participant la o multime de evenimente mondene, serate, baluri, tombole alaturi de marile personalitati ale Bucurestilor de atunci.
Astfel, ziarul Rampa din 1926 ne ilustreaza o serata dansanta „mascata si costumata” organizata de unul dintre fratii Manissalian, Kevork unde participa printre altii:
- Grigore Trancu Iasi – om politic, economist, avocat, profesor universitar la Academia de Inalte Studii Comerciale si Industriale
- Armenag Manisalian – mare comerciant si filantrop armean, se ocupa cu exportul de cereale sub firma Manissalian Frerees cu sediul in pasajul Macca Vilacrosse. A fost cel care a garantat in fata primului ministrului Bratianu pentru refugiatii armeni scapati de masacrele otomane, asumandu-si intreaga lor responsabilitate pentru primirea acestora in Romania.
- Ion Marin Sadoveanu – dramaturg si romancier
- I. Mitilineu – Ministrul Afacerilor Externe
- Eracle Nicoleanu – prefect al Politiei Bucurestilor si comandant al Jandarmeriei Romane
- Grigore Mithridate Buiucliu – jurist si om politic, doctor in drept, reprezentantul unei vechi familii de origine armeana din Moldova
- Parvu Boerescu – ofiter de stat major, decorat cu Ordinul Militar de Razboi Mihai Viteazu
- Grigore Goilav – din familia de boieri Goilav din Moldova. Alaturi de fratii Manissalian au contribuit la renumele Romaniei de granar al Europei prin catitatile uriase de cereale exportate in Germania si Marea Britanie.
- Eugen Cristescu – director de informatii in Directia Generala a Politiei. In 1940 va deveni Seful Serviciului Special de Informatii al Romaniei.
- Hagi Tudorache – Dumitrache Hagi Tudoraki – mare industrias, Presedintele Camerei de Comert si Industrie. Acesta avea una dintre case pe bulevardul Kiseleff, in apropierea strazii Ion Cantacuzino unde a avut loc serata.
- Azaria Melidon – patronul fabricii „La trei morisci de cafea” care confectiona „morisci de cafea, masini de macinat si rasnite”
- Si, nu in ultimul rand Stefan Djabourov, patronul Casei Djabourov.

Rampa, martie 1926
In 1930 o diploma ne informeaza ca a participat la Expozitia Internationala de Pielarie si Incaltaminte cu lucrari artistice din piele.
In ziarul Rampa din martie 1931, Stefan ne prezinta o noua linie de bussiness a firmei. Astfel, aflam ca va muta marfa din locatia in care functiona inca din anul 1870, in magazinul din Calea Victoriei nr.76 cu firma Paul Milker. Aici se vor gasi si covoare (aduse probabil din prima locatie) si obiecte fine pentru doamne, marochinarie si valize. Isi anunta intentia de a deschide o reprezentanta la Paris pentru “amplificarea comertului”.

Rampa, martie 1931
In Viitorul din decembrie 1933, un articol elogiativ ne vorbeste despre amenajarea magazinului Djabourov ” in perfect acord cu modernismul, cu multe podoabe aduse din strainatate”.

In Curentul din martie 1938 – aflam ca Stefan Djabourov cere intr-o sedinta a Sfatului Negustoresc Central cu privire la Noul Regulament al Comertului Exterior, “interventia biroului pentru ca marfurilor sezoniere sa li se aplice un tratament deosebit”.

Continuand cu onoare directia trasata de tatal sau Bedros, pe Stefan Djabourov il descoperim frecvent in anturajul regalitatii fiind recunoscut de Rege ca un comerciant cu merite deosebite printr-o multime de distinctii.
Aflam din ziarul Curentul din 1931 ca ocazionat de logodna Principesei Ileana cu Arhiducele Anton de Austria, Stefan Djabourov a fost prezent la Palatul Peles de la Sinaia pentru a felicita cuplul regal. Iata cum este descris momentul: Printre darurile mai deosebite oferite Inaltilor logodnici cu prilejul casatoriei, precum si cu ocaziunea felicitarilor sunt: un vas antic oriental, daruit de casa Djabourov. Oare cati altii s-au bucurat de o asa onoare ?!
Cu alta ocazie aflam din ziarul Adevarul din ianuarie 1924 ca expozitia magazinului oriental B.Djabourov a fost vizitata de catre Regele George al Greciei si regina Elisabeta insotiti de Principele Carol, Principesa Elena a Romaniei si Principesa Irina a Greciei. Nu cred ca s-au bucurat multe personaje din lumea comerciala a Bucurestilor de asemenea vizite.

Adevarul, ianuarie 1924
In 1944, la adresa pe Calea Victoriei, magazinul a fost bombardat de americani si o mare parte din marfuri au fost pierduta. Magazinul se gasea in apropiere de „Palatul Telefoanelor”, care era cel mai inalt edificiu din Bucuresti la epoca aceea. Stefan era convins ca bombardamentul viza mai cu seama aceasta cladire, strategica in timp de razboi. (Madeleine)
Probabil in incercarea de a aduce firma pe linia de plutire dupa pierderile suferite in urma bombardamentului cand mare parte din marfa a fost distrusa, Stefan listeaza Djabourov la bursa. Astfel, in publicatia Argus din noiembrie 1944, gasim Intreprinderile Djabourov listate la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti cu mentiunea “societate sinistrata” cu actiuni necotate, obtinandu-se pretul de 500 lei per actiune.

Argus, noiembrie 1944
Un act foarte important poarta antetul „Intreprinderile Djabourov” in data de
27 Martie 1948. Comunismul era bine instalat in Romania. Este singurul document
pe care il avem pe numele Intreprinderi. Se vede ca adresa oficiala „46 Calea
Victoriei” a fost barata in acest document si o alta adresa apare: „Strada
Aristide Briand, n°8”. Dupa bombardament, a fost schimbata adresa oficiala a „Intreprindelor
Djabourov”. Adresa noua, Aristide Briand (fost Strada Regala) corespunde cu un imobil
pe care cei trei Djabourov (Malvina, Madeleine si Stefan) l-au cumparat impreuna
in 1939, dar nici unul din ei nu locuia la aceasta adresa. Cei care semneaza
actul nu anunta functia si numele lor. Stefan Djabourov nu semneaza, desi numai
el putea sa ea decizia de a inceta activitatile intreprinderii. In acest act e
vorba de „vanzarea intregului stoc de marfuri si instalatiuni” apartinand Intreprinderilor
Djabourov. Nu se vede nici un inventar precis, si nu se spune unde sunt
localizate acestea, si nici nu se da un pret de vanzare. Este clar indicat ca
actul acesta e „acordul de principiu incheiat cu Societatea de Stat Romarta
S.A.” . Actul e pur si simplu nationalizarea bunurilor apartinand Intreprinderii
Djabourov. Acest document reprezinta punctul final la activitatile create si
conduse de B. si S. Djabourov timp de mai mult de 70 de ani fara intrerupere!
In mod sigur, bunurile care au fost recuperate de „Romarta S.A.” au servit sa
initializeze activitatile de fabricatie si negustorie dupa razboi bazate pe
atelierele fondate de Stefan Djabourov.(Madeleine)

Universul, aprilie 1948

Adevarul, aprilie 1948

Universul, aprilie 1948
In capatul opus al cladirii de pe Calea Victoriei se afla casa marelui industrias Haritin Fringhian, supranumit si Regele Zaharului, o casa mare cu o fantana arteziana in curte. Dupa demolarea cladirilor din zona si, inclusiv a casei sale pentru crearea Pasajului Cretulescu, a existat o perioada o placuta memoriala pe blocul din dreapta, prin care Fringhian donase statului roman fantana arteziana. (dupa Armenica Sahaghian).

Lupta, martie 1935

Dimineata, iunie 1935
Parintii nostri erau prieteni la Paris cu o familie Fringhian (Frenghian), Edouard si Alice, avea si o fiica Vivi, casatorita cu Hugo Crotti Lovera, violonist argentinian. Stiu ca aveau o fabrica de zahar in tara. Alice era ruda cu mama mea, ea povestea cum Haritin a fost arestat de regimul comunist si aruncat in inchisoare fiind judecat sub zece capete de acuzare, unul dintre ele fiind ca a supt sangele poporului. Spunea ca Haritin se trezea noaptea din somn si cauta sa-si aminteasca toate capetele de acuzare si pana nu si le amintea pe toate, nu putea adormi la loc. Ramasese foare marcat de ceea ce se intamplase. (Madeleine)

In anul 1945, Stefan se casatoreste cu Laura Stambolian, licentiata in Filozofie si Litere, specialitatea Franceza, Istoria literaturii moderne romane si italiene” in ianuarie 1937. Inainte de a se marita a predat cursuri la Bucuresti.
In februarie 1946 aflam din ziarul Argus de convocarea sub patronajul Sfatului Negustoresc, a membrilor Asociatiei Comerciantilor de Magazine de Lux si Marochinarie, al carei presedinte era Stefan Djabourov. Sfatul Negustoresc a fost o organizatie care avea chia si ziar propriu, fiind coordonat in perioada 1908-1916 de Ioan Slavici.
Dupa scurt timp, in anul 1948 firma Djabourov este nationalizata, iar marfurile confiscate sunt folosite pentru crearea brand-ului de stat ROMARTA. Ii sunt confiscate si proprietatile familiei. Ulterior, dupa multe sicanari, Stefan Djabourov a fost arestat si a fost eliberat abia dupa moartea lui Stalin in 1953. In sustinerea celor de mai sus putem parcurge o adresa datata 27 martie 1948 din partea Intreprinderilor Djabourov Societate Anonima S.A.R. prin care Stefan Djabourov, ca o ironie a sortii, este nevoit sa solicite preluarea stocului de marfa de catre noua firma de stat Romarta S.A si radierea firmei sale. Este actul care marcheza ultima clipa de viata a Casei Djabourov, iar ce va urma, va pune la grea incercare pe toti membrii familiei, indiferent cat de implicati au fost in activitatea comerciala a brand-ului Djabourov.
Domnule Ministru,
Subscrisa Inteprinderile Djaburov S.A.R cu sediul in Bucuresti, strada Aristide Briand nr.8, ca urmare a aprobarii date de Dl. Ministru, pentru acordul de principiu incheiat cu Societatea de Stat Romarta S.A cu privire la vanzarea intregului stoc de marfuri si instalatiuni industriale a societatii nostre, cu onoare va rugam sa binevoiti a dispune punerea in executare a rezolutiei ministeriale si a incuviinta facerea formalitatilor pentru incetarea activitatii intreprinderii noastre si radierea firmei pe ziua de 31 martie 1948.
Primiti, va rugam, Domnule Ministru, asigurarea deosebitei noastre consideratiuni.
Intreprinderile Djabourov Societate Annonima S.A.R.
Domniei Sale, Domnului Ministru al Industriei si Comertului

Universul, mai 1948
Urmeaza confiscarea bunurilor familiei. Consultand Decretul nr.92 din 19 aprilie 1950 putem sa ne facem o imagine a ceea ce a urmat:
Pentru intarirea si dezvoltarea sectorului socialist in economia R.P.R;
Pentru asigurarea unei bune gospodariri a fondului de locuinte supuse degradarii din cauza sabotajului marei burghezii si a exploatatorilor care detin un mare numar de imobile;
Pentru a lua din mana exploatatorilor un important mijloc de exploatare;
1. Imobilele cladite care apartin fostilor industriasi, fostilor mosieri, fostilor bancheri, fostilor mari comercianti si celorlalte elemente ale marei burghezii.
2. Imobilele cladite care sint detinute de exploatatorii de locuinte.
3. Hotelurile cu intreg inventarul lor.
4. Imobilele in constructie, cladite in scop de exploatare, care au fost abandonate de proprietarii lor, precum si materialele de constructie aferente oriunde s-ar afla depozitate.
5. Imobilele avariate sau distruse de pe urma cutremurului sau a razboiului, cladite in scop de exploatare si ai caror proprietari nu s-au ingrijit de repararea sau reconstructia lor.
2069. Djaburov Stefan si Laura, 16 apartamente, Bucuresti, str. Aristide Briand 8. Constanta, str. Productelor 43. Bucuresti, str. Dionisie Lupu 12.
În 1960, Stefan si Laura Djabourov impreuna cu fetele lor Jeanine si Madeleine, reusesc sa paraseasca Bucureștiul și se duc la Tanger, în Maroc. Mady, sora lui Stefan si sotul ei, Hrant Koundkdjian, erau stabiliti la Tanger din 1950. Plecarea din România cu familia a fost realizata, in cadrul legilor de reintregire a familiilor, legi care au fost aplicate in țara din anii 1960. Peste doi ani se muta la Nisa si apoi la Paris. Ii scria unui prieten: ” Dupa ani de persecutie, inchisoare si privatiuni, am reusit sa evadez impreuna cu copiii mei pentru a cauta refugiu in tari libere”. (Madeleine)
Scrisori care au rămas din epoca aceia relatează că de imediat ce a ajuns în Tanger , Stefan a incercat sa recupereze o suma de bani depusa la firma Alfred Dunhill din Londra inainte de razboi, in cadrul activitatilor comerciale pe care le avea cu aceasta companie. Dupa multe scrisori, a descoperit ca suma fusese data in 1941 la „Custodian Enemy Property” („Custode al proprietatii inamice”) care a blocat-o „pentru a stinge datoriile pe care le aveau comerciantii din tarile inamice catre comerciantii englezi”! Alfred Dunhill sugera lui tatei sa pretinda aceasta suma de bani de la Guvernul Romaniei…
Stefan si Laura au avut statutul de „Refugiati romani” pana la moarte, statutul recunoscut de „Oficiul Francez pentru Protectia Refugiatilor si Apatrizilor” (OFPRA). Jeanine si Madeleine au obținut nationalitatea franceza prin decret de naturalizare.
Din colaboratorii tatalui meu pot sa amintesc:
Tuduc – n.a.covorar, negustor, reparator de covoare, posesorul unui aparat Waacum Cleaner pentru curatarea covoarelor de praf (precursorul aspiratorului).
Teurek (mobilier)
Benlian Ezepos la Londra – covoare. n.a.Facea parte dintr-o renumita familie de covorari si filantropi armeni din Constantinopol.
Koundakdjian Hrant (covoare)
Sarkissian Georges (covoare)
Baraghian . (n.a. Fratii Baraghian detineau magazin de covoare pe Calea Victorie nr.80 si fabrica de covoare pe Mihai Bravu nr.149 sub denumirea Caucas, o firma de import-export cu sediul pe bulevardul Domnitei nr.26, o fabrica de panzeturi de bumbac, canepa si in, precum si o lustragerie cu firma – Lustrageria Americana.)
Magazinele Djabourov
„CEL MAI DISTINS MAGAZIN din Capitala, DJABOUROV, calea Victoriei 46 prezinta intr-un cadru nou tuturor doamnelor distinse cea mai variata colectie de modele necesara toaletei”
Adresele difera, uneori s-a schimbat numerotarea cladirilor, alteori s-au deschis magazine noi. Gasim in registrele si presa vremii:
- B.Djabourov – Magasin Universel – Bijutier si magazin de articole orientale – Furnisorul Casei Regale – 1895-1924
- B. Djabourov – Calea Victoriei nr. 74 – cadouri, obiecte de arta, mobile – 1922
- Magasin Oriental B. Djabourov & Milker – articole de voiaj – Calea Victoriei nr. 86 – 1924
- Djabourov – Calea Victoriei nr. 66 – covoare, plafoniere, mobile – 1928
- Djabourov – Calea Victoriei nr. 76 – obiecte de arta, cadouri – 1935
- Djabourov – Calea Victoriei nr. 73 – articole de voiaj – 1935
- Djabourov S.A.R – Calea Victorie nr.46 – consignatie, covoare – 1941
- Djabourov S.A.R – Calea Victorie nr. 94 – Athenee Palace – consignatie, argintarie, bijuterii, antichitati, covoare, obiecte de arta – 1946
- Djabourov – Str. Regala nr.8, et.2 – genti, manusi, marochinarie, ciorapi – 1947
- Djabourov Bedros – Calea Victoriei nr.72.74.76 – Magasin general de Paris – 1895-1938
- Djabourov – Academiei nr.45 – Consignatie de arta

Romania – Capitala, august 1939

Universul, ianuarie 1946
Magazinul de covoare de pe Victoriei, care avea si etaj, se afla langa un sediu al Marmorosch Blank in stanga, iar in capatul din dreapta al strazii, spre Hotel Continental, se afla renumitul magazin Dragomir Niculescu. Cladirile au fost distruse la bombardamentul din cel de al doilea razboi mondial in incercarea nemtilor de a distruge Palatul Telefoanelor.
Djabourov era un reper in lumea Bucurestilor asa cum putem sa vedem in neinumaratele referiri in ziarele epocii: langa magazinul Djabourov, peste drum de Djabourov, pe partea cu Djabourov, sau ca termen de comparatie, mai frumos ca vitrina lui Djabourov, valoros, cumparat de la Djabourov, ca in vitrina de duminca a lui Djabourov.

Rampa, septembrie 1926
Ca tot vorbim de vitrine, ziarul Argus din februarie 1928 ne vorbeste despre Concursul de Vitrine din Capitala, organizat de Camera de Comert si Industrie, unde Premiul Intai si Medalia de Aur la sectiunea covoare este castigat de magazinul Djabourov.

Argus, februarie 1928
Se spune ca Stefan Djabourov obisnuia sa intinda pe trotuar covoarele pentru ca trecatorii sa calce pe acestea si sa se convinga de calitatea lor, desi unii mai carcotasi sustineau ca urmarea doar sa obtina o patina de uzura care sa-i permita sa le vinda ca antichitati. Nu de putine ori Djabourov imprumuta vechiului Teatru National care se afla in apropiere, covoare si alte obiecte care era folosite la realizarea decorurilor pentru piesele de teatru. Alteori pune la dispozitie covoare sau obiecte orientale pentru amenajarea diverselor baluri sau tombole, asa cum putem sa aflam din reclamele din presa de atunci unde era mentionata contributia sa. Firma o intalnim frecvent amintita in ziarele vremii cum ar fi Adevarul din martie 1923 care vorbeste de o tombola organizata cu ocazia Balului Mascat si Costumat dat de Societatea Scriitorilor Romani unde premiul cel mare era o “mantila de dantela” care putea fi admirata in vitrina magazinului Djabourov.

Adevarul, martie 1923
Alta data, in ziarul Dimineata din ianuarie 1935, se subliniaza ca la decorarea salii si hall-ului pentru premiera filmului Printesa Turandot a contribuit si Casa Djabourov. Ziarul Dimineata din Ianuarie 1926 face reclama unui Bal mascat si costumat al Carnavalului dat de Asociatiunea Generala a Presei Romane. Se mentioneaza ca sala Teatrului Carol cel Mare de pe strada Eforie va fi impodobita cu covoarele casei Djabourov. Tot in 1926, ziarul Viitorul informeaza ca va avea loc o serata japoneza la Alcazar, covoarele fiind de la Casa Djabourov. In ziarul Viitorul din februarie 1930 se vorbeste despre un Bal al Sindicatului Ziaristilor in sala caruia casa Djabourov adusese covoare orientale in valoare de milioane de lei.

Dimineata, ianuarie 1935

Dimineata, ianuarie 1926
Cum era aranjat magazinul putem sa ne imaginam parcurgand numeroasele referiri in presa. Astfel, ziarul Viitorul din decembrie 1933 vorbeste despre o “complecta transformare”, intregul aranjament fiind lucrat in cristal, cu multa arta. Nenumarate raioane cu posete, manusi, ciorapi, bibelouri si covoare.
Avem o rara ocazie sa primim de la Madeleine Djabourov, fiica lui Stefan, doua fotografii cu fatadele celor doua magazine de pe Calea Victoriei. Analizand aceste imagini putem sa distingem in vitrina primului magazin doua piese de mobilier oriental incrustat, vase artistice orientale, un obiect ce pare a fi confectionat din fildes de elefant. La cel de al doilea magazin se pot distinge prin geamurile usilor renumitele covoare orientale, o draperie ce pare a fi din matase chinezeasca, o veioza si cateva statuete. Cladirea are la etaj un mic balcon din fier forjat pe care erau intinse covoare pentru a fi vazute de clienti.
Firma „B. DJABOUROV” este scrisa cu un stil original si este incadrata de un cocor, de partea stanga si de un dragon la dreapta. Cocorul simbolizeaza longevitatea si norocul in legendele japoneze. Dragonul este simbolul imperial in China. Chiar usa de intrare are o influenta asiatica.(Madeleine)
- Malvina Djabourov/Melic
Fiica lui Bedros Djabourov, Malvina (1889-1973), se casatoreste cu anume Grigore Melic un licentiat in Drept care facea parte din cunoscuta familie Melic, fiind fiul Aristiei si a lui Grigore A. Melic. Acestia au avut trei copii, pe Grigore, Anton si Margareta. Desi in Monitorul Oficial din 31 mai 1909 gasim anuntul casatoriei lor cu numele Grigore A. Melic.

Grigore Melic si Malvina Djabourov
In 1917, Grigore Melic, sotul Malvinei, va cadea pe campul de lupta in timpul Razboiul pentru Intregirea Neamului, avand gradul de locotenent in regimentul 21 infanterie. Il gasim mentionat pe o placa comemorativa din interiorul Bisericii Armenesti din Bucuresti fiind inmormantat in Cimitirul Armenesc din Bucuresti.

Universul, aprilie 1929

Madeleine Djabourov:
- Malvina a locuit in apropierea Bisericii Armenesti, pe strada Armeneasca 13, noi cunoastem casa cu numele „Casa Malvinei”. Malvina s-a maritat tanara in 1909 cu Grigore Melic, care poate ar fi fost un militar de cariera, care a murit la primul razboi mondial. Au avut o fetita numita Julieta care a murit cand era mica, din cauza unor probleme de sanatate. Casa aceasta a fost rechizitionata de comunisti iar Malvina a fost expulzata. Ea a obtinut permisiunea sa traiasca intr-o dependinta din fundul curtii, si pe urma, intr-o camera, la ultimul etaj din casa principala, unde se ajungea pe o scara prin fundul curtii, camera fusese destinata in trecut personalului de serviciu. La ultimul etaj, erau si alte camere ocupate de alte familii de noi chiriasi, aveau o bucatarie comuna, care era si sala lor de baie! Noi, in anii 1950, cand eram copii, mergeam in vizita la Malvina si ne puteam juca in pod unde erau multe lucruri adunate si mereu descopeream ceva nou. Malvina a trait pana in cea din urma zi in aceasta camera (1973). In aceasta casa frumoasa, spatioasa a Malvinei familia Djabourov organiza receptii, se sarbatoreau Anul Nou, Craciun, Pastele, aniversari, boteze si mariaje. Exista chiar si o poza cu ea in fata semineului chiar in ziua in care s-a maritat cu Grigore Melic. La inaugurarea casei, Bedros i-a daruit un covor foarte pretios Yamut Bukara de 1.30m x 3 m.

Gasim o surprinzatoare relatare despre Malvina Melic facuta de un fiu de taran, Ion a lu’ Suru din satul Mandra de langa Fagaras:
Marta Farcas ( a lu Foarcos) s-o maritat cu David Bera (a lu Didu Nitii). Nu aveau casa si in 1936 or plecat slugi la Bucuresti, ca sa adune o bruma de avere, cu care sa isi faca un culcus al lor pe lumea asta! Asa era obiceiul pe atunci. Or nimerit la familia boierului Grigorescu (n.a. este probabil o greseala, fiind vorba de Grigore Melic). Mama era jupaneasa, iar tata lucra in atelierul de geamantane. (n.a. era probabil vorba de ateliereul de marochinarie Djabourov – Milker) Trimiteau banii acasa, iar bunicul David a lu Didu Nitii, se apucase de facut casa. Eu eram mic (ma nascusem in 15 martie 1930). Am stat un stiuc la bunicii din partea mamei, dar m-or interit, ca nu eram cuminte si nurorile de pe curte nu ma sufereau! M-am dus la bunicii din partea tatii, de unde, intr-o zi, m-or luat ai mei, cu ei, la Bucuresti. Locuiam pe strada Armeneasca, la numarul 13, la subsolul vilei, cu servitorii! Doamna era armeanca. Avea mosie la Galbinas, in Oltenia! Trei sate ii lucrau pamanturile si trimiteau sute de lazi cu fructe si legume la Bucuresti! Malvina Melic o chema! Era o femeie buna! Imi dadea mereu prajituri… Boierul lucra la minister! Stia mereu care ii soarta tarii! Pe mine asta ma lasa cu gura cascata! Aflam in fiecare sara starea natiunii, direct de la unul dintre cei care o faureau! – Ion a lu’ Suru – taranul cu jurnal
Pe langa mosia de la Galbinas despre care se vorbeste, familia Melic mai detinea si o mosie la Surlari, in comuna Creata – Lesile (Petrechioaia).
In jurul anilor 1948-1950 cand a inceput Nationalizarea mijloacelor de productie si a proprietatilor, casa Malvinei a fost preluata de statul roman. Probabil, autoritatile de atunci au considerat ca e prea mult ca o persoana ca Malvina sa locuiasca singura intr-o casa asa somptuasa. Astfel, in Buletinul Oficial nr. 36 din 20 aprilie 1950, o gasim mentionata (cu numele gresit Melie in loc de Melic) in lista cu imobile nationalizate.
4890. | Melie Malvina 8 apartamente, Bucuresti, str. Armeneasca 13; str. Aristide Briand 8 |
Asa se face ca Malvina Djabourov Melic, din proprietara a casei din Armeneasca 13 s-a vazut exilata in fundul curtii, in camera de la mansarda destinata menajerei, cu baia si bucataria la comun cu noii chiriasi.
Urmau vremuri grele, gasim cateva anunturi la mica publicitate de atunci prin care Malvina incerca sa vanda “urgent” cateva obiecte de mobilier, probabil pentru a le valorifica inainte de a fi confiscate odata cu casa. Judecand dupa succesiva repostare a anunturilor, lumea nu prea se inghesuia sa cumpere ”mobilier de dormitor si hall”, mobilele lui Djabourov aduse cu vapoarele din bazarurile lumii nu mai aveau cautare in noua epoca. Casa va ramane un soi de martor al “tempi passati” cum chiar ea a scris pe o fotografie sau un incrementa atque decrementa tempora. Va fi ramas poate pentru unii amintirea receptiilor ce s-au tinut acolo, a musafirilor ce i-au trecut pragul, a elegantei aristocratice si a etichetei si a ospitalitatii de sorginte orientala.
Din cate am studiat de-a lungul anilor despre negustorii armeni, atat pentru siteul www.negustorie.ro, cat si studiul ce l-a implicat acest material in special, pot sa definesc doua mari categorii de comercianti:
Prima categorie ar fi costituita din micii negustori, cu afaceri de familie preluate deseori de la inaintasii lor, acoperind nise comerciale in domeniul coloniale, cafea, bacanie, delicatese, covoare, textile, mestesuguri etc.
A doua categorie ar cuprinde marii comercianti, industriasi, exportatori, oameni care au avut fie resurse financiare, fie o viziune peste zona de confort a micului negot de familie, a pravaliei din coltul strazii. Aici il incadrez si pe Stefan Djabourov care a dat dovada cu prisosinta ca merita sa fie considerat un mare comerciant al vremurilor sale. Viziunea si flerul sau au facut nu numai sa duca mai departe cu onoare negustoria inceputa de tatal sau Bedros, ci si sa o conduca intr-o abordare foarte modernista pentru vremurile de atunci, ca un adevarat mare comerciant. Totodata, fiind si armean, a facut mare cinste comunitatii din care provine prin realizarile sale, astfel ca noi astazi am putut sa discutam despre Casa Djaborov – Magasin general de Paris si Intreprinderile Djabourov.
Paul Agopian
English version
Ever since the 5th century, oriental historical sources frequently mention the use of carpets to decorate the floors, walls of churches or to sit at the table. Sources from history or from Greek, Iranian, Arabic, or Bulgarian literature tell us eulogizingly since the pre-Christian period about carpets woven by Armenians offered as tribute, as taxes or other times taken as spoils of war. Arabic sources refer to the supremacy of Armenian prayer rugs, often considered to be the Islamic art form par excellence. Things began to change when the last Armenian kingdom in Cilicia in what is now southeastern Turkey fell to the Egyptian Mamluks in the 13th century. At that time, many Armenians fled their homeland, settling in Romania, Poland, Crimea and Iran. Not by chance, in this period the highly developed weaving of carpets began in these countries and in other countries, because the Armenians took their crafts with them and transferred them to the local populations of the host countries.
Perhaps stemming from here, the Armenians’ inclination towards the trade in oriental carpets was perpetuated until the modern period, being considered since ancient times among the most skilled merchants, weavers and even restorers of carpets. In the Romanian countries, in addition to carpets, Armenians were generally engaged in smaller or larger merchants, colonial, grocery, coffee, manufacturing or handicrafts, shoemaking, tailoring, etc. Around 1870, a certain Bedros Djabourov opens in Bucharest, on the former street Podul Mogosoaiei, newly named Calea Victoriei after the War of Independence ended in 1878. The Djabourov store on Calea Victoriei will soon become the most famous store in Bucharest, being known for the fact that it changes the arrangement of the window every day, and the Bucharest aristocracy of those times visited it to be aware of the latest fashion trends from Paris . But let’s see step by step who Djabourov was! To begin with, in the Official Gazette of February 18, 1884, we find Bedros Djabourov on a “list of voters at the chamber of commerce for the commune of Constanta”.
In the same year we found out that he had another store in Constanta and organized a “charity lottery with art objects” in the city of Constanta, where every ticket had the right to win.
Later, he moved to Bucharest, on Calea Victoriei no. 72, where he opened Magasin general de Paris. From this moment, the Djabourov company becomes a point of reference for the life of Bucharest. We can also find out what Djabourov was selling besides carpets from the advertisements in the press of the time in the authentic expression of the author: – Large assortment of wallpapers from Persia, Khorasan – Ferachan, Turkey, Smyrna – Koula, Ouchac, Jordes, Dagestan, Somac, Bukara, Baluchistan, Herat, Zili, Chetde, Kiricheliu, Torcoman – Doors and curtains from Djidimes, Caramales, Tunisian – Turkish Persian carpets – Mobile style – Artistic articles from China and Japan – Maning tea – it seems a bit inappropriate that some shops that sell art objects also sell tea, but in those days the shops did not have a clearly defined profile. For example, during the reign of the Nefian merchant, you could find weapons and icons for sale… – Leather goods and travel items (suitcases for transatlantic trips, trunks, fancy model bags, etc.) – Jewelry and silverware – Clothing, swimwear, stockings brand Kayser, Gerard Fortier, Gaston Verdier.
Thanks to his honor and his merchant flair, he is noticed by the representatives of the Royal House of Romania and receives a series of distinctions over time. In 1886, he received, through a Royal Patent, the distinction of Envoy of the Royal Court. His Majesty the King of Romania, Inquiring about the morality and good behavior of Mr. B. Djabourov – Magasin de objects orientales, in Bucharest – as well as the reputation he has acquired in his specialty, wanting to give him proof of his good will, he ordered me to issue the said Patent of the girl with the title of Envoy of the Royal Court. Bucharest, December, 1886 Marshal of the Court of His Majesty the King The Prefect of the Palace.
Soon to become the supplier of carpets and luxury items to the Royal Court: My Lord, M.S. The King, Our Sovereign Augustus, is pleased to grant you the title of Purveyor of the Court, which you requested through your petition, I have the honor of High Order to remit to you the respective patent, asking you to kindly return the bulletin, attached on next to the dance accompanied by the appropriate annotations. Accept, please, my Lord, the entrustment of my peculiar consideration. The Prefect of the Palace His Lordship To Mr. B. Djabourov Shop of oriental objects in Bucharest.
In 1889 at the Universal Exhibition in Paris, Bedros obtained the Silver Medal “Médaille d’argent, Groupe IV Classe 36, Roumanie: in the section devoted to the theme “Materials, clothing and accessories; clothes for both sexes”. This was a famous exhibition at the inauguration of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The diploma is given by “République Française” and it is specified that B. Djabourov represents Romania at this event.
In 1900, he received the Silver Medal once again at the Universal Exhibition in Paris.
In 1906 he received the jubilee medal of Carol I 1906, May, 10 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Chancellery of Orders Patent for the Carol I Jubilee Medal – awarded to Mr. B. Djabourov – merchant – Bucharest. He was given this patent, according to Royal Decree No. 5,384 of December 28, 1905 published in the Official Gazette No. 218 of January 1, 1906 On behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Chancellor of Orders Principal.
Also in 1906, at the Jubilee General Exhibition, he received the title of Collaborator with a plaque from the Minister of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Domains.
In 1914, he received the Commercial and Industrial Merit Class I medal from Carol I. PATENT Medal “Commercial and Industrial Merit” 1st Class Charles I By the grace of God and the National Will King of Romania Good health to everyone now and in the future We award the Commercial and Industrial Merit Class I medal to Mr. B. Djabourov – businessman from Bucharest. As proof of which we give this patent signed by Us and invested with Our royal seal. Given in Peles Castle on August 5, 1914. Carol
Who was this Djabourov, sometimes Djaburov or even Giaburov after some more left-handed transliterations?! Madeleine Djabourov, Bedros’s niece, tells us: The Djabourov family comes from Constantinople, his mother, Takuhi Aceabahian, was born there in 1826 and had two children, Bedros, who would become one of the biggest Armenian merchants in Bucharest, and his sister Galinig, who settled in Egypt, in Alexandria. Galinig had a daughter, Daria Gamsaragan, great sculptor and writer who lived in Paris. There were four girls. Their father was a cabinet maker. He liked to work with wood, decorate the furniture with floral motifs and animal figures. He liked to play with the material, to polish his works with great detail, but the craftsmen of that time were poorly paid and the family’s income was modest. The cabinetmaker’s third daughter, Takuhi, was married at the age of sixteen to an old man with failing health. After two years, Takuhi was left a widow. After the regulatory mourning period, he remarried. Despite the rigidity of the conventions, there was a certain sympathy in the relations of the future spouses, before marriage. The future husband, Djabourov, was from Smyrna. There was a large Greek colony. The Greeks were the true masters of the city, prosperous and dominant. Under their influence, the Armenians had acquired a lightness, a joy of living, which they had lost in the imperial metropolis, Constantinople. The shadow of the harems, the power of the sultans maintained a state of perpetual fear in people’s souls. Even in periods of calm, the memory of the persecutions haunted the spirits there. The explosion of religious hatred has always been a danger, as it has proved since then.
Stranger to this climate, Djabourov, Takuhi’s husband, seemed to have been a cheerful man who liked the good life and the company of cheerful friends. He takes every opportunity to make frequent trips to his hometown. Despite the worries that grew every day, Takuhi then lived the happiest years of her life. Kadiköy was the chosen place of the family. From the ebony grandfather, four generations were born there and lived surrounded by their friends, friendship being also hereditary. The house, where Bedros and Galinig were born, had all the windows decorated with flower pots and begonias, a house with several floors, a small inner garden with a wonderful fig tree. Takuhi’s husband died young, leaving four small children that she had to raise alone, without anyone’s help. Takuhi set to work in an embroidery workshop, leaving at dawn to reach the other end of Constantinople. She must have been very expert, judging by the few examples of embroideries inherited from the family. Takuhi did everything she could, up to the limit of her powers, to hide her financial difficulties from the children. As soon as the eldest boy, Bedros, was old enough to work, he took care of his sister Galinig, like a father. Understanding and tenderness reigned in their home, enveloping them in such an atmosphere of happiness, that Galinig was impressed by life from then on. The love with which Galinig surrounded the memory of her mother also communicated it to her daughter, Daria. Thus, Daria’s grandmother, whom she had not met, had become as dear to her, as close as her mother. The Djabourov and Gamsaragan families were regularly on vacation in the summer at Tarabya near Constantinople or at Tasdelen.
We don’t know how Bedros Djabourov arrived in Romania, maybe encouraged by relatives who were already here, by his cousin Hrand Cavaff, a well-known merchant of oriental carpets, the owner of the store La Arta Orientala… who knows?! In the advertisements of the time, Bedros writes that the company was founded in 1873, and in 1884 we have its first attestation on Romanian soil in the form of an announcement regarding a raffle. Bedros marries an Armenian named Mannig Hamparzumian and they will have three children: Malvina (1889 – 1973, Bucharest), Madeleine (Mady) (1895, Bucharest – 1969, Tangier, Morocco) and Stefan Aram (June 19, 1899, Bucharest – 31 August 1979, Paris, France).
When Bedros Djabourov died in December 1918, Stefan was 19 years old and had started business studies in Lausanne in Switzerland. He had to interrupt these studies and take over the management of his father’s company. Stefan was very close to his father: the two of them appear on the photos together sitting on a terrace somewhere abroad when Stefan was a child. Stefan got into the habit of traveling very young and will keep this taste all his life.
Stefan had a very attractive personality. He was very open to the world, he spoke seven languages with great ease, he was interested in the arts in general, in new trade methods, in the role of advertising, in all technical innovations. He had a great sense of observation. He also liked to tell funny stories when he was surrounded by friends, he called himself a “citizen of the world”, he always showed a calm optimism and said that you must always look forward and not back, although his fate after the second war was not precisely the one for which he had prepared. (Madeleine) Stefan takes over the Djabourov company and takes it to great heights thanks to his vision and ambition. He resumed the direction of the stores without changing the initial name “B. Djabourov”. The basic goods were oriental carpets, it was a very widespread trade then, in Bucharest there were dozens of Armenian carpets. They not only sold, but also bought certain valuable carpets which they later resold. Behind this process was an entire science of evaluating a carpet according to the number of knots, according to material, according to model, according to age… As old carpets are very expensive, often sought after by collectors or people from the upper class as an investment, they are not they never devalued, on the contrary, their value increased with time. The store sold, among other things, household and fashion items imported from Germany, England, and France, always of the best quality. For example, the store was represented by Alfred Dunhill (England) and Elsa Schiaparelli (Italy and France). The stores had a motto in French “Tout pour parer la femme et embellir sa demeure” (Everything to adorn the woman and beautify her home). (Madeleine) Regarding the leather goods segment, Stefan Djabourov is associated with Paul Milker, a great German craftsman, specialist in leather goods and trunks, with the distinction of Supplier of the Royal Court, so we will often meet the names attached to Milker – Djabourov advertisements.
Stefan founded “Djabourov Enterprises” Romanian Anonymous Society, Reg. Com. 119/1936. The Djabourov stores not only sold imported or manufactured goods in the country, as was the activity of his father, but he gave them a new orientation and set out to create a new line of products under the “ID” brand, products that were manufactured in the country by workshops which he selects. It’s about furniture workshops, leather goods, silverware, carpets, etc. He established social rules for the staff in workshops and stores. He was proud to say that he is not only a merchant, but also an entrepreneur and manufacturer. (Madeleine) From the Argus newspaper of April 1924, we learn about the dissolution of a company called Industria Orientala, a carpet factory in Timisoara. We find him remembered as a participant in a lot of worldly events, evenings, balls, raffles together with the great personalities of Bucharest at that time. Thus, the Rampa newspaper from 1926 illustrates a “masked and costumed” dance party organized by one of the Manissalian brothers, Kevork, where he participates among others: – Grigore Trancu Iasi – politician, economist, lawyer, university professor at the Academy of Advanced Commercial and Industrial Studies – Armenag Manisalian – great Armenian merchant and philanthropist, deals with the export of grain under the Manissalian Frerees company based in Macca Vilacrosse passage. He was the one who guaranteed to Prime Minister Bratianu for the Armenian refugees escaped from the Ottoman massacres, assuming full responsibility for their reception in Romania. – Ion Marin Sadoveanu – playwright and novelist – I. Mitilineu – Minister of Foreign Affairs – Eracle Nicoleanu – prefect of the Bucharest Police and commander of the Romanian Gendarmerie – Grigore Mithridate Buiucliu – jurist and politician, doctor of law, representative of an old family of Armenian origin from Moldova – Parvu Boerescu – staff officer, decorated with the Mihai Viteazu Military Order of War – Grigore Goilav – from the Goilav boyar family from Moldova. Together with the Manissalian brothers, they contributed to Romania’s reputation as Europe’s granary through the huge quantities of grain exported to Germany and Great Britain. – Eugen Cristescu – director of information in the General Directorate of the Police. In 1940, he will become the Head of the Special Information Service of Romania. – Hagi Tudorache – Dumitrache Hagi Tudoraki – great industrialist, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He had one of the houses on Kiseleff boulevard, near Ion Cantacuzino street where the evening took place. – Azaria Melidon – owner of the factory “La trei morisci de coffee” that manufactures “coffee grounds, grinders and grinders” – And, last but not least, Stefan Djabourov, the patron of Casa Djabourov.
In 1930, a diploma informs us that he participated in the International Exhibition of Leather and Footwear with artistic leather works. In the Rampa newspaper from March 1931, Stefan presents us with a new business line of the company. Thus, we learn that the goods will be moved from the location where it has been operating since 1870, in the store in Calea Victoriei no. 76 with the company Paul Milker. Here you will also find carpets (probably brought from the first location) and fine objects for ladies, leather goods and suitcases. He announces his intention to open a representative office in Paris to “increase trade”.
In Viitorul from December 1933, a eulogizing article tells us about the layout of the Djabourov store “in perfect harmony with modernism, with many ornaments brought from abroad”.
In the Current of March 1938 – we learn that Stefan Djabourov asks in a meeting of the Central Trade Council regarding the New Foreign Trade Regulation, “the intervention of the office so that special treatment is applied to seasonal goods”. Honorably continuing the direction drawn by his father, Bedros, we find Stefan Djabourov frequently in the royal entourage, being recognized by the King as a merchant with special merits through many distinctions.
We learn from the Curentul newspaper from 1931 that on the occasion of Princess Ileana’s engagement to Archduke Anton of Austria, Stefan Djabourov was present at the Peles Palace in Sinaia to congratulate the royal couple. Here’s how the moment is described: Among the more special gifts offered to the engaged Highnesses on the occasion of the wedding, as well as on the occasion of the congratulations, are: an ancient oriental vessel, donated by the Djabourov house. How many others have enjoyed such an honor?! On another occasion, we learn from the newspaper Adevarul from January 1924 that the exhibition of the oriental store B.Djabourov was visited by King George of Greece and Queen Elizabeth accompanied by Prince Carol, Princess Elena of Romania and Princess Irina of Greece. I don’t think that many characters from the commercial world of Bucharest enjoyed such visits.
In 1944, at the address on Calea Victoriei, the store was bombed by the Americans and a large part of the goods was lost. The store was located near the “Telephone Palace”, which was the tallest building in Bucharest at that time. Stefan was convinced that the bombing targeted this building, strategic during the war. (Madeleine) Probably in an attempt to bring the company afloat after the losses suffered as a result of the bombing when most of the goods were destroyed, Stefan lists Djabourov on the stock exchange. Thus, in the Argus publication from November 1944, we find the Djabourov Enterprises listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange with the mention “injured company” with unlisted shares, obtaining a price of 500 lei per share.
A very important document bears the heading “Djabourov Enterprises” on March 27, 1948. Communism was well established in Romania. It is the only document we have in the name of Enterprises. It can be seen that the official address “46 Calea Victoriei” was entered in this document and another address appears: “Strada Aristide Briand, n°8”. After the bombing, the official address of “Djabourov Enterprises” was changed. The new address, Aristide Briand (formerly Strada Regala) corresponds to a building that the three Djabourovs (Malvina, Madeleine and Stefan) bought together in 1939, but none of them lived at this address. Those who sign the act do not announce their position and name. Stefan Djabourov does not sign, although only he could make the decision to stop the company’s activities. This act refers to the “sale of the entire stock of goods and installations” belonging to Djabourov Enterprises. No precise inventory can be seen, and it is not said where they are located, nor is a sale price given. It is clearly indicated that this act is the “principle agreement concluded with Societatea de State Romarta S.A.” . The act is simply the nationalization of the assets belonging to the Djabourov Company. This document represents the final point to the activities created and led by B. and S. Djabourov for more than 70 years without interruption! Certainly, the goods that were recovered by “Romarta S.A.” they served to initiate the manufacturing and trade activities after the war based on the workshops founded by Stefan Djabourov. (Madeleine)
At the opposite end of the building on Calea Victoriei is the house of the great industrialist Haritin Fringhian, also nicknamed the Sugar King, a large house with an artesian fountain in the yard. After the demolition of the buildings in the area, including his house for the creation of Cretulescu Passage, there was a memorial plaque on the block on the right for a time, through which Fringhian had donated the artesian fountain to the Romanian state. (after Armenica Sahaghian).
Our parents were friends in Paris with a Fringhian (Frenghian) family, Edouard and Alice, they also had a daughter Vivi, married to Hugo Crotti Lovera, Argentinian violinist. I know they had a sugar factory in the country. Alice was related to my mother, she told how Haritin was arrested by the communist regime and thrown in prison being tried under ten charges, one of them being that he sucked the blood of the people. He said that Haritin woke up at night and tried to remember all the accusations and until he remembered them all, he could not fall asleep. He was very scarred by what had happened. (Madeleine)
In 1945, Stefan married Laura Stambolian, a graduate in Philosophy and Letters. In February 1946, we learned from the Argus newspaper about the convocation under the auspices of the Trade Council, of the members of the Association of Luxury Store and Leather Goods Merchants, whose president was Stefan Djabourov. The Merchant Council was an organization that had its own journal and newspaper, being coordinated in the period 1908-1916 by Ioan Slavici. After a short time, in 1948, the Djabourov company is nationalized, and the confiscated goods are used to create the ROMARTA state brand. His family properties are also confiscated. Later, after many harassments, Stefan Djabourov was arrested and was released only after Stalin’s death in 1953. In support of the above, we can read an address dated March 27, 1948 from Djabourov Enterprises Societate Anonima S.A.R. through which Stefan Djabourov, as an irony of fate, is forced to request the takeover of the stock of goods by the new state company Romarta S.A and the deletion of his company. It is the act that marks the last moment of the Djabourov House’s life, and what will follow will put all the family members to the test, no matter how involved they were in the commercial activity of the Djabourov brand. Mr. Minister, Signed by Enterprises Djaburov S.A.R with headquarters in Bucharest, Aristide Briand street no. 8, as a result of the approval given by Mr. Minister, for the agreement in principle concluded with Societatea de State Romarta S.A. regarding the sale of the entire stock of goods and industrial installations of our company, we respectfully ask you to kindly order the implementation of the ministerial resolution and approve the formalities for the cessation of the activity of our company and the deletion of the company on March 31, 1948. Please accept, Mr. Minister, the assurance of our special consideration. The companies Djabourov Societate Annonima S.A.R. His Highness, the Minister of Industry and Commerce.
Next comes the confiscation of the family’s assets. By consulting Decree no. 92 of April 19, 1950, we can get an idea of what followed: For the strengthening and development of the socialist sector in the economy of the P.R.R.; To ensure a good management of the housing stock subject to degradation due to the sabotage of the big bourgeoisie and the exploiters who own a large number of buildings; To take an important means of exploitation from the hands of the exploiters; 1. The buildings that belong to former industrialists, former landlords, former bankers, former big merchants and other elements of the big bourgeoisie. 2. Built buildings that are owned by housing developers. 3. Hotels with their entire inventory. 4. Buildings under construction, built for the purpose of exploitation, which have been abandoned by their owners, as well as related construction materials wherever they are stored. 5. Buildings damaged or destroyed as a result of the earthquake or the war, built for the purpose of exploitation and whose owners did not take care of their repair or reconstruction. 2069. Djaburov Stefan and Laura, 16 apartments, Bucharest, Aristide Briand str. 8. Constanta, Productelor str. 43. Bucharest, Dionisie Lupu str. 12. In 1960 he manages to flee the country to Tangier, together with his wife and two daughters Madeleine and Janine, and two years later he moves to Nice and then to Paris. He wrote to a friend: “After years of persecution, prison and deprivation, I managed to escape with my children to seek refuge in free countries”. (Madeleine)
As soon as he arrived in Tanger, father tried to recover a sum of money deposited with the Alfred Dunhill company in London before the war, as part of the commercial activities he had with this company. After many letters, he discovered that the sum had been given in 1941 to the “Custodian Enemy Property” (“Custodian of Enemy Property”) who blocked it “to pay off the debts that the merchants of the enemy countries had to the English merchants”! Alfred Dunhill suggests to his father to claim this amount of money from the Romanian Government… From my father’s collaborators I can remember: Tuduc – n.a. carpet maker, shopkeeper, carpet repairer, owner of a Waacum Cleaner device for cleaning carpets from dust (the predecessor of the vacuum cleaner). Teurek (furniture) Baras Benlian Ezepos in London – carpets. n.a. He was part of a famous family of Armenian carpet weavers and philanthropists from Constantinople. Koundakdjian Hrant (carpets) Sarkissian Georges (carpets) Baraghian. (n.a. The Baraghian brothers owned a carpet shop on Calea Victorie no. 80 and a carpet factory on Mihai Bravu no. 149 under the name Caucas, an import-export company based on Domnitei boulevard no. 26, a cotton cloth factory, hemp and linen, as well as a polisher with the company – Lustrageria Americana.)
Djabourov shops “THE MOST DISTINGUISHED STORE in the Capital, DJABOUROV, Calea Victoriei 46, presents in a new setting to all distinguished ladies the most varied collection of models necessary for the toilet” The addresses differ, sometimes the numbering of the buildings has changed, other times new shops have opened. We find in the registers and the press of the time: • B.Djabourov – Magasin Universel – Jeweler and shop of oriental articles – Supplier of the Royal House – 1895-1924 • B. Djabourov – Calea Victoriei no. 74 – gifts, art objects, furniture – 1922 • Magasin Oriental B. Djabourov & Milker – travel articles – Calea Victoriei no. 86 – 1924 • Djabourov – Calea Victoriei no. 66 – carpets, ceiling lights, furniture – 1928 • Djabourov – Calea Victoriei no. 76 – art objects, gifts – 1935 • Djabourov – Calea Victoriei no. 73 – travel articles – 1935 • Djabourov S.A.R – Calea Victorie no. 46 – consignment, carpets – 1941 • Djabourov S.A.R – Calea Victorie no. 94 – Athenee Palace – consignment, silverware, jewellery, antiques, carpets, art objects – 1946 • Djabourov – Str. Regala no. 8, et. 2 – bags, gloves, leather goods, stockings – 1947 • Djabourov Bedros – Calea Victoriei no. 72.74.76 – Magasin general de Paris – 1895-1938 • Djabourov – Academy no. 45 – Consignment of art
The carpet store on Victoriei, which also had a floor, is next to a Marmorosch Blank office on the left, and at the right end of the street, towards the Continental Hotel, is the famous Dragomir Niculescu store. The buildings were destroyed during the Second World War bombing in the Germans’ attempt to destroy the Telephone Palace. Djabourov was a landmark in the world of Bucharest, as we can see in the countless references in the newspapers of the time: next to the Djabourov store, across the street from Djabourov, on the side with Djabourov, or as a term of comparison, more beautiful than Djabourov’s window, valuable, bought by at Djabourov, as in Djabourov’s Sunday showcase.
As we are still talking about window displays, the Argus newspaper from February 1928 tells us about the Window Display Competition in the Capital, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where the First Prize and Gold Medal in the carpets section is won by the Djabourov shop.
It is said that Stefan Djabourov used to spread the carpets on the sidewalk for passers-by to step on and see for themselves their quality, although some more sophisticated people claimed that he only wanted to obtain a patina of wear that would allow him to sell them as antiques . Not infrequently, Djabourov lent the old National Theater nearby, carpets and other objects that were used to make sets for plays. Sometimes he provides carpets or oriental objects for setting up various balls or raffles, as we can learn from the advertisements in the press from that time where his contribution was mentioned. We find the company frequently mentioned in the newspapers of the time, such as Adevarul from March 1923, which talks about a raffle organized on the occasion of the Masked and Costumed Ball given by the Society of Romanian Writers, where the grand prize was a “lace mantle” that could be admired in the shop window Djabourov.
Another time, in the Dimineata newspaper from January 1935, it is emphasized that the Djabourov House also contributed to the decoration of the hall and the hall for the premiere of the film Princess Turandot. The Dimineata newspaper from January 1926 advertises a masked and costumed Carnival Ball given by the General Association of the Romanian Press. It is mentioned that the hall of the Carol cel Mare Theater on Eforie street will be decorated with carpets from the Djabourov house. Also in 1926, the newspaper Viitorul informs that a Japanese evening will take place at the Alcazar, the carpets being from Casa Djabourov. In the Viitorul newspaper from February 1930, there is talk about a Ball of the Journalists’ Union in the hall to which Djabourov’s house had brought oriental carpets worth millions of lei.
We can imagine how the store was arranged by going through the numerous references in the press. Thus, the Viitorul newspaper from December 1933 talks about a “complex transformation”, the entire arrangement being made in crystal, with great art. Countless areas with purses, gloves, stockings, trinkets and carpets. We have a rare opportunity to receive from Madeleine Djabourov, Stefan’s daughter, two photos of the facades of the two shops on Calea Victoriei. Analyzing these images, we can distinguish in the window of the first store two pieces of inlaid oriental furniture, oriental artistic vessels, an object that seems to be made of elephant ivory. In the second shop, the famous oriental carpets, a curtain that seems to be made of Chinese silk, a lamp and some statuettes can be distinguished through the door windows. The building has a small wrought iron balcony on the first floor where carpets were spread for customers to see. The company “B. DJABOUROV” is written in an original style and is framed by a rooster on the left and a dragon on the right. The rooster symbolizes longevity and luck in Japanese legends. The dragon is the imperial symbol in China. Even the entrance door has an Asian influence. (Madeleine)
Bedros Djabourov’s daughter, Malvina (1889-1973), marries Grigore Melic, a law graduate who was part of the well-known Melic family, being the son of Aristia and Grigore A. Melic. They had three children, Grigore, Anton and Margareta.
In 1917, Grigore Melic, Malvina’s husband, will fall on the battlefield during the War for National Reunification, having the rank of lieutenant in the 21st infantry regiment. We find him mentioned on a commemorative plaque inside the Armenian Church in Bucharest, being buried in the Armenian Cemetery in Bucharest.
Madeleine Djabourov: – Malvina lived near the Armenian Church, on Armeneasca Street 13, we know the house as “Malvina’s House”. Malvina married young in 1909 to Grigore Melic, who may have been a career soldier, who died during the first world war. They had a little girl named Julieta who died when she was little, due to some health problems. This house was requisitioned by the communists and Malvina was expelled. She obtained permission to live in an outbuilding at the end of the courtyard, and later, in a room on the top floor of the main house, where you could reach it by a staircase at the end of the courtyard, the room had been intended for the service staff in the past. On the top floor, there were other rooms occupied by other families of new tenants, they had a common kitchen, which was also their bathroom! In the 1950s, when we were children, we used to visit Malvina and we could play in the attic where many things were collected and we always discovered something new. Malvina lived in this room until her last day (1973). In this beautiful, spacious house of Malvina, the Djabourov family organized receptions, celebrated New Year, Christmas, Easter, birthdays, baptisms and marriages. There is even a picture of her in front of the fireplace on the very day she married Grigore Melic. At the inauguration of the house, Bedros gave him a very precious Yamut Bukara carpet of 1.30m x 3m.
We find a surprising story about Malvina Melic made by a farmer’s son, Ion a lu’ Suru from the village of Mandra near Fagaras: Marta Farcas (of Foarcos) married David Bera (of Didu Nitii). They didn’t have a house and in 1936 the servants went to Bucharest, to collect a wealth of wealth, with which to make a bed of their own in this world! That was the custom back then. I met with the family of the Lord Grigorescu (a.n. it is probably a mistake, as it is about Grigore Melic). My mother was a housewife, and my father worked in the suitcase workshop. (n.a. it was probably about the Djabourov – Milker leather workshop) They sent the money home, and grandfather David of Didu Nitii, had started building the house. I was small (I was born on March 15, 1930). I stayed for a while with my maternal grandparents, but they scared me, because I wasn’t good and the daughters-in-law in the yard didn’t tolerate me! I went to my paternal grandparents, from where, one day, my family took me with them to Bucharest. I lived on Armeneasca street, at number 13, in the basement of the villa, with servants! The lady was Armenian. He had an estate in Galbinas, in Oltenia! Three villages worked his land and sent hundreds of crates of fruits and vegetables to Bucharest! Malvina Melic called her! She was a good woman! He always gave me cakes… The boyar worked at the ministry! He always knew the fate of the country! This leaves me speechless! We find out the state of the nation in each country, directly from one of those who made it! – Ion a lu’ Suru – the farmer with a diary.
In addition to the estate in Galbinas that we are talking about, the Melic family also owned an estate in Surlari, in the commune of Creata – Lesile (Petrechioaia). Around 1948-1950, when the Nationalization of the means of production and property began, Malvina’s house was taken over by the Romanian state. Probably, the authorities of that time considered it too much for a person like Malvina to live alone in such a sumptuous house. Thus, in the Official Bulletin no. 36 of April 20, 1950, we find it mentioned (with the wrong name Melie instead of Melic) in the list of nationalized buildings.
This is how Malvina Djabourov Melic, the owner of the house at Armeneasca 13, found herself exiled to the back of the yard, in the attic room intended for the housekeeper, with a shared bathroom and kitchen with the new tenants. Hard times were coming, we find some ads in the small advertising of that time, through which Malvina tries to sell “urgently” some furniture items, probably to capitalize on them before they are confiscated together with the house. Judging by the successive reposting of the ads, people didn’t really flock to buy “bedroom and hall furniture”, Djabourov’s furniture brought by ships from the world’s bazaars was no longer in demand in the new era. The house will remain a kind of witness of “tempi pasti” as she herself wrote on a photograph or an incrementa atque decrementa tempora. For some, perhaps, the memory of the receptions held there, of the guests who crossed its threshold, of the aristocratic elegance and the etiquette and hospitality of oriental origin will remain. Termination From what I have studied over the years about Armenian merchants, both for the website www.negustorie.ro, and the study that involved this material in particular, I can define two large categories of merchants:
The first category would consist of small merchants, with family businesses often taken over from their predecessors, covering commercial niches in the colonial field, coffee, grocery, delicatessen, carpets, textiles, crafts, etc. The second category would include the big traders, industrialists, exporters, people who had either financial resources or a vision beyond the comfort zone of the small family business, of the trash on the street corner. Here I include Stefan Djabourov who has amply proved that he deserves to be considered a great trader of his time. His vision and flair allowed him not only to continue with honor the business started by his father or Bedros, but also to lead it in a very modernist approach for those times, like a true great merchant. At the same time, being Armenian, he did great honor to the community from which he comes through his achievements, so that today we were able to discuss Casa Djaborov – Magasin general de Paris. Paul Agopian
Simon Tavitian – Armeni de seama din Romania
Daria Gamsaragan – memorii jurnale – prin intermediul dnei. Madeleine Djabourov
Tufenkian Artisan Carpets – Foundation
Ion a lu’ Suru – taranul cu jurnal
– ianuarie 1924, 1925
– martie 1923
– aprilie 1947
– iulie 1935
– octombrie 1905
– decembrie 1947, 1948
Ziarul Argus:
-Ianuarie 1923, 1929
– Februarie 1928, 1946
-Aprilie 1924
– Noiembrie 1944
Ziarul Curentul:
-Iunie 1930
– Iulie 1942
– Noiembrie 1942
Ziarul Dimineata
– Ianuarie 1926, 1935, 1936
– Martie 1937
– Mai 1931
– Iunie 1931,1932,1935
– Iulie 1937
– Noiembrie 1935
– Septembrie 1930
– Decembrie 1934, 1935
Ilustratiunea Romana – 1930,1935
Ziarul Epoca 1888
Ziarul Lupta:
– Ianuarie 1890
– Ianuarie 1922
– Martie 1935
– Octombrie 1888
– Decembrie 1888, 1890, 1921, 1930
Ziarul Rampa
Romania – Capitala – august 1939
Romania – Provincie – octombrie 1939
Tribuna Poporului – ianuarie 1902
Universul – Capitala – Ianuarie 1946, 1947
Universul – Ianuarie 1941, 1946, 1948
Universul – Februarie 1930, 1937
Universul – Aprilie 1929, 1948
Universul – Mai 1929, 1937, 1948
Universul – Iunie 1926, 1938
Universul – Iulie 1933, 1934
Universul – Noiembrie 1926, 1934, 1935
Universul – Decembrie 1933, 1935
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