Presa armeana interbelica era reprezentata de publicatii periodice care, printre altele, faceau publicitate unor negustori, liber profesionisti si intreprinzatori armeni ai timpului. Probabil, atunci, ca si azi, aceste anunturi si reclame erau trecute cu vederea si considerate ca ceva efemer si fara valoare. Dar iata ca odata cu trecerea timpului au capatat o valoare istorica, au devenit martori a unui trecut revolut, semne a trecerii armenilor prin aceste meleaguri, adevarate piese muzeale demne de interesul unor cronicari.
Stim prea putin despre multi autori ai acestor anunturi, dar ceva totusi transpare din redactarea si prezentarea lor. Poate vom reusi, impreuna cu cititorul interesat, sa despicam densa perdea a timpului care ne desparte intuind cam ce era lumea lor de atunci.
Tesatoria Mecanica DAMBOVITA, plaseaza un anunt bilingv asa incat putem citi, in armeana ca e vorba de „ singura tesatorie armeana” care livreaza en gros si en detail. Adresa: „Str.Baratiei No. 9 si str.Decebal 10”. Sucursalele din Bucuresti: Calea Dudesti 188, Sos Mihai Bravu 25, Calea Grivitei 370, Cal.Serban Voda 224, Calea Rahovei 125, Splaiul Unirii 39. Iar in provincie : Constanta, Str Stefan cel Mare, Ploiesti, Str.M.Cogalniceanu, Galati, str.Artelor 12, Iasi str Stefan cel Mare 56. Đupa cum se vede o intrepindere serioasa.
Pe strada Carol, 84 este Բամպակի և Մանիֆաքթուրայի Մեծաքանակ վաճառում ( Comert engros cu Bumbac si manufactura de bumbac) K.H.ARTIN, Bumbac-Import.
Kevork Fesgian, Calea Mosilor 284, Bucuresti VI : ՎԱՃԱՌԱՏՈՒՆ Կոշկակարի վէրաբէրեալ ամէն տէսակ նիւթէրու…ՃՕԽ ՄԹԵՐԱՆՈՑ (Magazin de furnituri de cizmarie de tot felul, Depozit bogat asortat).
Ohanes Avedikian are un depozit de Bumbacarie si Manufactura pe strada Sf Ion Nou 3, si…իտալական էքսթրանէր ( articole italiene extra). Aram Papazian are si el Mare depozit de bumbacarie si „Manifactura ”pe str. Sepcari 22 cu precizarea : Անգլիական և Իտալական մանածնէրու մէծ մթէրանոց (mare depozit de bumbace si manufactura, englezesti si italiene).
La Galati, str.Morilor 62, avem FLANDRIA Tissage Mecanique ՀԻՒՍՈՒԱԾԷՂԷՆԻ ԱՌԱՋՆԱԿԱՐԳ ԳՈՐԾԱՐԱՆ este reclama fratilor ABGARIAN.
Din nou O.AVEDIKIAN ( ՅՈՎՀԱՆՆԷՍ ԱՒԵՏԻՔԵԱՆ ) e prezent la aceasi adresa ca reprezentant (ՆԷՐԿԱՅԱՑՈՒՑԻՉ) pentru fabricile de manufactura si filatura italiene.
Pe strada Mitropolitul Dosoftei 55, se afla Tintoria BUSTEZI (Սեփականատէր Ա- ՓԷՆԻՐԵԱՆ) ՀԱՅԿԱԿԱՆ ԱՌԱՋՆԱԿԱՐԳ ՆԷՐԿԱՏՈՒՆ. Mai departe va las sa ghiciti : „Trefoiu” մարքայով ծանօթ arniciնէրու (sic!). Կեդրոնատէղի (centru)
Đar iata si un anunt cultural: ՆՈՐԱՎԷՊ շաբաթագիր (revista NUVELA, de comori ale literaturii europene , 32 pag. Editor ARAM HARUTIUNIAN, un nr. costa 7 lei, Abonamente : 1 luna 25 lei, etc Strada Vaselor 37, Bucuresti IV. Stie cineva daca revista asta a aparut si circulat in Romania?
Berdj Ipranosian are o Manufactura en gros, Bucuresti str,Oituz 22 si sucursala pe Sos Mihai Bravu 34. (ուր կը վաճարուի նաև փոքրաքանակ) –vindem si en detail.
La categoria ՆՊԱՐԱՎԱՃԱՌՆԷՐ (Bacanii) „COSPOLI” –str. Sepcari 24, vinde zaharicale. S. GURDIKIAN, anunta Tesatoria Dobrogeana cu centrala la Constanta , str.Grivitei 17, si fabrica in Soseaua Oborului 37. Sucursala Bucuresti Strada Oituz (Pasagiul Francez).
K.Topalian et Co, Str.Baratiei, No .6. are un mare depozit ԱՆԳԼԻԱԿԱՆ մանիֆաքթուրայի և բամպակէղէն զանազան տեսակ ապրանքնէր (diferite marfuri de manufactura si bumbacarie englezesti).
„BURSA” de pe starda Baratiei 34, a lui E.V. Keaheaian, ofera matasuri, stofe, de lana, catifea, albituri, tricotaje, ciorapi, precum si de la celebrele firme Ady si Adesgo: Գնէցէք միայն մեր նոր վաճառատունէն ( cumparati numai de la noul nostru magazin).
Apoi aflam ca fotograful oficial al publicatiilor ARAZ este DICRAN KUNDACCIAN din Calea Mosilor 350.
O pagina de literatura publicistica de epoca face reclama la tigari, apa de colonie, cafea, si…cemen! Dar si servicii stomatologice si de croitorie. Tigaretele SPORT au ՍՔԱՆՉԷԼԻ ԾԽԱԽՈՏ ՎԱՅԷԼՈՒՉ ՏՈՒՓ և ՇԱՏ ՀԱՄԷՍՏ ԳԻՆ (tutun minunat, cutie eleganta si pret foarte modest) Apoi textul continua: Tigaretele pe care neaparat trebuie sa le incercati, Cand deschideti cutia, veti intelege imediat ce tutun ales este acolo, iar cand veti fuma tigareta veti fi deja cucerit. Folositi deci SPORT, 20 tigarete costa numai 24 lei.
Apa de colonie JOCKEY CLUB este cea mai buna, ne improspateaza corpul. Ne da o aroma placuta si կ՝ աւէլցնէ կանանց հմայկը ( mareste magia femeilor).
Simon M. Sismanian, prin magazinul sau din str.Nicolae Selari 4, si sucursala sa din str.Academiei 3, ofera cafeaua cea mai aleasa, cacao, ceai, rahat, շիքորէն (probabil cicoare, եղէրդակ) bonbon, helva (halva adica). Ne atrage atentia un anunt neasteptat: CEMEN. Pentru amatorii ( aici սիրահարնէրուն) vindem cemen en gros si en detail, la magazinul de cafea din str.Carol 19, S.SURIAN, comenzile se onoreaza արագ և բարէխճորէն (prompt si ireprosabil). Dar iata si un alt anunt interesant : „ARAX”. Proprietarul si directorul fostului atelier de croitorie din Pera, ANTRANIG HACIATURIAN, si-a mutat atelierul sau in str. Viitor 114, si este gata, la preturi scazute, sa satisfaca cerintele cele mai fine ale clientilor sai. Փորձէցէք համոզոգեցէք (Incercati si va veti convinge). (Pentru cei tineri—Pera e un cartier exclusivist din Istambul)
Apoi un alt anunt CHIRURG STOMATOLOG , D-na KESTANIAN-TATARIAN, Medaliata la Paris .Adresa: Str. Ion Maiorescu 33, Ore de primire: 10-1, 3-6. Տագնապին պատճառով գինէրու վրայ զգալի զէղչ ( din cauza crizei, preturi simtitor reduse.) Deci criza din 1929 mai persista inca…
In Calea Mosilor 63, intre orele 6-8 ԿՎ (adica PM , deci dupa amiaza) acorda consultatii avocatii K.Grigorian si V. Ghemigian. Se ocupa cu տատէր հպատակութեան և անձագրային խնդիրնէր շատ համեստ պայմաննէրով ( procese, probleme de cetatenie si pasaport, in conditii foarte modeste.) Anuntul viza in special pe nansenisti, cei cu pasaport Nansen, apatrizi.
Arhitectul KRIKOR NAVASARDIAN Շրջանաւարտ ռումէն Համալսարանէն (absolvent al Universitatii Romane) se ocupa de planuri de locuinte si aprobarile legale, precum si orice fel de constructii, vanzare-cumparare proprietati imobiliare. Ore de primire: 8-11, 4-6. Str Maica Domnului, 51.
DOCTOR DZ. A. FURUNGIAN, Calea Mosilor 242. Boli interne, boli de femei, (uterine si anexe) precum si boli venerice. Ore de primire 8-9 si 4-7.
Dar iata un vast comert cu covoare: S. NEVSEHIRLIAN & NAZARIAN. Մեծ գործարան արևելեան գորգէրու (Mare fabrica de covoare orientale) Orice comenzi pe baza de catalog model si dimensiune, detail sau en gros. Centrala: Bazargic, Str. Alex.Ion Cuza 38, Sucursala: Balcic , Depozit permanent : Bucuresti Str Sfintilor 44 , Sucursala Calea Victoriei 57.
Leon Tatarian, Bucuresti Piata de Flori , interior 4 . (Piata de Flori era vis avis de Hanul lui Manuc si Biserica Sf Ioan cel Nou, acum este parc) ofera confectii traditionale romanesti, la cele mai avantjoase preturi bluze, camasi, imbracaminte, fete de masa և ռումանական ազգային տարազնէր ( si porturi nationale romanesti). Sa nu uitam ca Piata de Flori era langa fosta Hala Unirii (azi demolata) si de tarabele taranilor care desfaceau produse agricole.
CAFEA OTOMAN, a lui Krikor Hovnanian, din str Carol 41, vindea cafea ,cacao si ceai.
B.Deirmengian : Fabrica de produse de ciment, ՄՕԶԱԻՔ ՓԼԱՔՆԷՐ (Placi de mozaic) mare sortiment de tevi, faianta alba si colorata . Expozitie in Calea Grivitei 14, Fabrica in Bucuresti, Sos. Chitilei 15.
KUBA , Fabrica de Covoare Persane. Bucuresti, Str. Ioan Ghica, 5, Se primesc toate felurile de comenzi, Expozitie permanenta.
K.Karakasian, din str. Gabroveni 57, ofera ,en gros, manufactura, stofe si articole de import. Serviciu ireprosabil la preturi accesibile.
EREVAN , fabrica de covoare orientale, Braila, Str.Grivitei 233=235 , Depozit general : Calea Victoriei 52, (Pasagiul English), Sucursala Str.Sfintilor, 42, Պարսկական թրքական չինական և մօտէրն գորգէր (covoare persane, turcesti, chinezesti si moderne). Reparatii si curatatorie.
„REZISTENTA ” BEDROS ELMASIAN SI FIUL. , Fabrica de incaltaminte de tot felul, fondata in 1912, se produc 800-1000 de perechi pe zi. Cunoscut pe piata prin durabilitatea si acuratetea marfurilor sale.
LEVON BARONIAN Bucuresti str. Radu Voda 28. Fabrica de Rahat, Helva, dulciuri orientale,si diferite zaharicale. Fondat in 1920. Fara concurenta ! Se primesc comenzi zilnice de pana 500-750 de kg.
Pe Calea Mosilor atelierul de incaltaminte ARTAMET. Artamet este localitatea de bastina a celor doi cizmari frati gemeni…
LA HOGEA, este magazinul de cafea de pe Lipscani 96, a lui SETRAG CAPRIELIAN. El plaseaza un emotionant anunt unde de fapt face povestea vietii si pribegiei sale: nascut in satul Urri, (Kemah) pleaca de acasa la 18 ani, Vine la Bazargic la 1897. Acolo tatal sau din 1868 avea un comert cu cafea si tutun. Acolo sta pana in 1915. In timpul razboiului vine in Rusia (Rostov) si apoi in Armenia (1919) Apoi in 1920 vine la Bolis. Din 1923 este in Romania unde 7 ani are o pravalie de cafea la Ploiesti. In 1928 se muta la Bucuresti.
A.Abalian & A.Minasian, FABRICA MECANICA de Pasmanterie si Ceaprazarie , Bucuresti Calea Serban Voda 48. Furnizor al Ministerului de Razboi, Comandamentului Jandarmenriei, Societatii de Cai Ferate Romane. Ca sa vezi! In perioada interbelica uniformele militarilor , jandarmilor si ceferistilor erau cusute la Abalian-Minasian!
Dar armenii erau introdusi si pe piata de asigurari. „PREVEDEREA” Societate Anonima de Asigurari. Capital 30 000 000. lei. Asigurari la riscul de : incendii, transport maritim, fluvial, terestru, viata, grindina, accidente, furt, spargere. Reasigurari cu fonduri de miliarde. Director General: A. YOUGHAPERIAN. Sediul General BRAILA, in Palatul Societatii. Reprezentanta generala pentru Bucuressti, d-nii MESTUGEAN si AGOPOVICI. Birourile Str Biserica Enei 11 bis, etaj.
Depozite de lemne aveau : A.KOLOLIAN & Co, aleea Principesa Maria, 4, (in fata Garii Obor) si A.Vostanighian , firma „ARAX”, str Lizeanu 10.
1. HOVNANIAN, avea un Mare Atelier de Broderie Artistica, pe str.Sfintilor, 51, (rochii, cuverturi de masa (sic!) fete de perna, tot felul de broderii orientale etc.
2.Presa era si ea prezenta: ARARAT anunta abonatii sa achite cei 120 lei annual. NOR ARSALUIS -apare de 2 ori pe saptamana primeste abonamentele in str.Armeneasca nr 15. ARAZ, apare o data la 3 zile , are redactia in str. Ion Nou 3, abonamentul este de 500 lei annual (100 franci strainatatea). Se tipareste la ASTORIA , STR Pictor Luchian 14.
Dr A.S.SALBY, Specialist din Paris, „Pentru boale si operatiuni Gat, Nas, Urechi”, Bucuresti, Calea Mosilor, 261.
261. GUEDIKIAN, dentist, Diplomat de la Facultatea de Medicina din Bordeaux. Calea Mosilor 261. Consultatiuni 2-9 p.m.
262. SAMSARIAN, Chirurg mamos, Bulevardul Cuza, 8, Braila,
Fratii S.& H. NEFIAN, Covoare Persane, Calea Victoriei 45 (fost 57).
SARKIZ CAVANIAN mare magazin de incaltaminte, pentru barbati si dame LA FLOTA AMERICANA , Calea Victoriei 45.
CORNELIU GRIGORIAN avocat, doctor in drept, Calea Mosilor 73. Avocatul Epitropiei Armene din Capitala.
TACHE ZAHARIAN avea atelier de tamplarie , mobila in str.Polona 47. Bucuresti.
TEBRIZ, fabrica de covoare persane , IASI str I.C.Bratianu, 87. „fabrica covoare veritabile persane dupa cataloagele speciale din Persia”. SIRAG KISKANIAN Presedintele comisiunei de examen pentru covoare orientale.
Dr. Al. Ekmekdjian, Str. Alecu Russo 8, este reprezentatntul firmei BERGSON, care distribuie praful abraziv de curatat.
Đ-na NAZICA CERKEZ, diplomata conservatorului preda lectiuni de pian, prepara si pentru conservator. Str B.P.Hasdeu, 2 , colt cu Bulevardul Elisabeta.
Pentru instalatiuni de motoare de fabrici de cafea, aparate de radio, si tot felul de masini electrice a se adresa la atelierele ing.electrician ONNIG CANTERIAN , Bucuresti, str. Berthelot 2, .
Fabrica de Covoare si reparatiuni din Arad a lui MISAC PASODIAN s-a mutat la Timisoara , str Joffre No 1.
Desigur lista nu este completa, desi cred ca totusi e reprezentativa pentru timpul respectiv. Concluzia generala este limpede: armenii nu stateau degeaba efortul lor era indreptat in toate directiile. Tendinta lor de a fi in primele randuri ale calitatii serviciilor si produselor oferite se reflecta cumva si in reclamele plasate. Modul lor deschis fata de alte etnii cu care colaborau se vede si din alcatuirea membrilor societatii de asigurare „Prevederea ”unde alaturi de armeni gasim greci, evrei, romani si chiar un american. Bucurestiul ca si alte orase unde pulsa comertul interbelic era o lume cosmopolita unde armenii isi aveau si ei locul lor. Era vremea cand clasa de mijloc avea ponderea sa normala stimuland circulatia banului si alimentand tonusul fiscului. Rostul esential al acestei paturi sociale a fost anulat prin restructurarea radicala a bazelor de functionare economica a societatii, devenita strict centralizata ceea ce a eliminat mai toti actantii intreprinzatori individuali. Putini, sau mai nimeni din ei, nu s-au readaptat. Au preferat sa emigreze. Energia comunitara a armenilor din Romania a inregistrat un colaps iar cei care s-au integrat faceau de acum parte dintr-un sistem unde conta doar comanda sociala generala. Particularul era exclus. Cand acest sistem totalitar a cedat in fata imperativelor timpului, readaptarea a inregistrat iarasi dificultati inerente. Incercarea postdecembrista de a reinnoda viata clasei mijlocii a esuat sub loviturile mogulilor care au izbutit sa organizeze o societate „extractiva ”(Agemolu)[1], ce nu promite un viitor stralucit niciunei tari. Abia acum incep, anevoios, sa se intrevada reaparitia initiativelor notabile. Dar mai este de asteptat pana la rezultate stabile si consistente. Inte timp demografic contigentul pe care se poate miza este minor. Cine este optimist trebuie sa accepte un parcurs dificil si indelungat.
[1] Exclusiva-societate unde adminitratia de stat (monarhie, republica, totalitarism, etc.) prin sistemul birocratic extrage resursele claselor producatoare in folosul sau. (Agemolu, Robinson )
English version
The interwar Armenian press was represented by periodicals that, among other things, advertised some Armenian merchants, freelancers and entrepreneurs of the time. Probably, then, as today, these announcements and advertisements were overlooked and considered as something ephemeral and worthless. But with the passage of time, they acquired a historical value, they became witnesses of a revolutionary past, signs of the passage of Armenians through these lands, true museum pieces worthy of the interest of some chroniclers. We know too little about many of the authors of these announcements, but something still transpires from their writing and presentation. Maybe we will manage, together with the interested reader, to split the dense curtain of time that separates us by intuiting what their world was like back then. Tesatoria Mecanica DAMBOVITA, places a bilingual ad so that we can read, in Armenian, that it is “the only Armenian weaving mill” that delivers wholesale and retail. Address: “Str. Baratiei No. 9 and str. Decebal 10”. Branches in Bucharest: Calea Dudesti 188, Sos Mihai Bravu 25, Calea Grivitei 370, Cal. Serban Voda 224, Calea Rahovei 125, Splaiul Unirii 39. And in the province: Constanta, Str. Stefan cel Mare, Ploiesti, Str. M. Cogalniceanu, Galati, Artelor str. 12, Iasi str. Stefan cel Mare 56. This is how a serious enterprise is seen.
On Carol street, 84 is Бампаки эд Манифактурайи Метсгампать вачарум (Cotton wholesale and cotton manufacturing) K.H.ARTIN, Cotton-Import. Kevork Fesgian, Calea Mosilor 284, Bucharest VI : ΒΑΦΑΡΑΤΟΝ Εόσκακάρι νέραβερεαλ Αξε τέσακ νιόθερου…ΕΥΟΥ ΜΟέΡΑΝΟΦ (Store of all kinds of shoemaking supplies, Wide assortment warehouse). Ohanes Avedikian has a Cotton and Manufacturing warehouse on Sf Ion Nou street 3, and…италакан экстранэр (extra Italian items). Aram Papazian also has a large cotton warehouse and “Manifactura” on 22 Sepcari str. with the specification: Английская эту Италакан манаццнэру מְצַ מתְראָנָיש (large cotton warehouse and manufacture, English and Italian). In Galati, str.Morilor 62, we have FLANDRIA Tissage Mecanique ЦЙУСУАЦЖГЭНИ АРАЖНАКАРГГ ГАЗАРАН is the advertisement of the ABGARIAN brothers.
Once again O.AVEDIKIAN ( Յանանանան Հանատայար ) is present at the same address as a representative (արաատարանական) for the Italian manufacturing and spinning factories. On 55 Mitropolitul Dosoftei street, there is the BUSTEZI Tannery (Σεπακανάτερ Α- ΠΕΆΆΙΛΑΑΝ) ΑΙΚΑΚΑ ΑΡΑJΑΚΑΚΑΡΗ ΆΕΡΚΑΤΟΝ. I’ll let you guess further: “Clover” marqāyov tsānṭh arnicīnērū (sic!). קדרונאטחה (center) And here’s a cultural announcement: სებარი მარარი (NUVELA magazine, treasures of European literature, 32 pages. Editor ARAM HARUTIUNIAN, one issue costs 7 lei, Subscriptions: 1 month 25 lei, etc. Strada Vaselor 37, Bucharest IV. Does anyone know if this magazine appeared and circulated in Romania? Berdj Ipranosian has a wholesale factory, Bucuresti str, Oituz 22 and the branch on Sos Mihai Bravu 34. In the “COSPOLI” category (Grocers) -str. Sepcari 24, sells sweets. S. GURDIKIAN, announces Tesatoria Dobrogeana with headquarters in Constanta, str. Grivitei 17, and factory in Soseaua Oborului 37. Bucharest branch Oituz Street (French Passage). K. Topalian et Co, Str. Baratiei, No .6. has a large warehouse of АНГГЛИААКН манифактурайи эд бампакэхгэн заназан тутик мадравнер (various English manufactured and cotton goods).
“BURSA” from Baratiea 34, of E.V. Keaheaian, offers silks, fabrics, woolen, velvet, bleaches, knitwear, stockings, as well as from the famous companies Ady and Adesgo: Γνέ־ק מער מר נור עקאטוןשן (buy only from our new store). Then we find out that the official photographer of ARAZ publications is DICRAN KUNDACCIAN from Calea Mosilor 350. A period literature page advertises cigarettes, cologne, coffee, and…cement! But also dental and tailoring services. SPORT cigarettes have ΣΡΑΚΚΕΛΙ ΦΥΑΥΟΟ ΝΑΙΕΓΥΚ ΣΟΠ εΙ ΣΑΤ ΠΑΜΕΣΟ ΒΙΝ (wonderful tobacco, elegant box and very modest price) Then the text continues: The cigarettes you absolutely must try, When you open the box, you will immediately understand what tobacco is there, and when you will smoke the cigarette, you will already be conquered. So use SPORT, 20 cigarettes cost only 24 lei. JOCKEY CLUB cologne is the best, it refreshes our body. It gives us a pleasant aroma and ک: اوہیلھنہ ہے کے ہمایک (increases the magic of women). Simon M. Sismanian, through his shop in str. Nicolae Selari 4, and his branch in str. Academiei 3, offers the best coffee, cocoa, tea, shit, شیکورہ (probably chicory, إھےرداک) bonbon, halva (ie halva) . An unexpected announcement draws our attention: CEMEN. For amateurs (here அக்குர்ருரை), we sell wholesale and retail cemen, at the coffee shop in str.Carol 19, S.SURIAN, orders are honored quickly and বর্র্ক্র্রেন (promptly and irreproachably). But here is another interesting announcement: “ARAX”. The owner and director of the former tailoring workshop in Pera, ANTRANIG HACIATURIAN, has moved his workshop to 114 Viitor str., and is ready, at low prices, to satisfy the finest demands of his customers. Try it and you will be convinced. (For the young—Pera is an exclusive neighborhood in Istanbul).
Then another announcement DENTAL SURGEON, Mrs. KESTANIAN-TATARIAN, Medalist in Paris. Address: Str. Ion Maiorescu 33, Reception hours: 10-1, 3-6. Тагнапин бадын гинэру тый земенный зэхчч (because of the crisis, significantly reduced prices.) So the crisis of 1929 still persists… In Calea Mosilor 63, between 6-8 КВ (ie PM, so in the afternoon), lawyers K. Grigorian and V. Ghemigian give consultations. He is dealing with תאטער הפאטאקוין ו אנטעגראין אתחשער שת המעסט טרבנערוב (lawsuits, citizenship and passport issues, in very modest conditions.) The announcement was aimed especially at Nansenists, those with a Nansen passport, stateless. The architect KRIKOR NAVASARDIAN ក្រាងង្ន្រ្រ្រ្រ្រ្រ ន្រ្រ្រ្រ្រ្រ្រ (graduate of the Romanian University) deals with housing plans and legal approvals, as well as any kind of construction, sale-purchase of real estate properties. Reception hours: 8-11, 4-6. Str Maica Domnului, 51.
DOCTOR DZ. A. FURUNGIAN, Calea Mosilor 242. Internal diseases, women’s diseases, (uterine and appendages) as well as venereal diseases. Reception hours 8-9 and 4-7. But here is a vast carpet trade: S. NEVSEHIRLIAN & NAZARIAN. Метс фолициан ареелеан горгеру (Great factory of oriental carpets) Any orders based on model and size catalog, retail or wholesale. Headquarters: Bazargic, Str. Alex.Ion Cuza 38, Branch: Balcic, Permanent deposit: Bucharest Str Sfintilor 44, Calea Victoriei Branch 57. Leon Tatarian, Bucharest Piata de Flori, interior 4. (Piata de Floris was a dream avis of the Inn of Manuc and the Church of St. John the New, now it is a park) offers traditional Romanian garments, at the most advantageous prices blouses, shirts, clothes, tablecloths and Romanian national customs (and Romanian national ports ). Let’s not forget that the Flower Market was next to the former Union Hall (today demolished) and by the farmers’ stalls selling agricultural products. OTTOMAN COFFEE, owned by Krikor Hovnanian, from 41 Carol Street, sold coffee, cocoa and tea. B. Deirmengian: Cement products factory, სსასას რისსაშა (Mosaic tiles), large assortment of pipes, white and colored tiles. Exhibition in Calea Grivitei 14, Factory in Bucharest, Sos. Chitilei 15.
KUBA, Persian Carpet Factory. Bucharest, Str. Ioan Ghica, 5, We accept all kinds of orders, Permanent exhibition. K. Karakasian, from 57 Gabroveni str., offers wholesale manufacturing, fabrics and imported articles. Impeccable service at affordable prices. YEREVAN, oriental carpet factory, Braila, Str.Grivitei 233=235, General warehouse: Calea Victoriei 52, (Passagiul English), Sucursala Str.Sfintilor, 42, Парскакан тръакан чинание и пашэрн горгэр (Persian, Turkish, Chinese and modern carpets ). Repairs and cleaning. “RESISTANCE” BEDROS ELMASIAN AND SON. , The factory of all kinds of shoes, founded in 1912, produces 800-1000 pairs per day. Known on the market for the durability and accuracy of its goods. LEVON BARONIAN Bucharest, Radu Voda str. 28. Shit factory, Helva, oriental sweets, and various sugary ones. Founded in 1920. No competition! We receive daily orders of up to 500-750 kg.
On Calea Mosilor, the ARTAMET shoe workshop. Artamet is the hometown of the two cobblers, twin brothers… LA HOGEA is the coffee shop on Lipscani 96, owned by SETRAG CAPRIELIAN. He places an emotional ad where he actually tells the story of his life and journey: born in the village of Urri, (Kemah) he leaves home at 18, he comes to Bazargic in 1897. His father had a coffee and tobacco business there since 1868. He stayed there until 1915. During the war he came to Russia (Rostov) and then to Armenia (1919). Then in 1920 he came to Bolis. He has been in Romania since 1923, where he owned a coffee shop in Ploiesti for 7 years. In 1928 he moved to Bucharest. A. Abalian & A. Minasian, FABRICA MECANICA de Pasmanterie si Ceaprazarie, Bucharest Calea Serban Voda 48. Supplier of the Ministry of War, the Gendarmerie Command, the Romanian Railway Company. To see! During the interwar period, the uniforms of the military, gendarmes and police officers were sewn at Abalian-Minasian! But Armenians were also introduced to the insurance market. “PROVISION” Sociedad Anonima de Asigurari. Capital 30,000,000. lei. Insurance against the risk of: fire, maritime, fluvial, land, life, hail, accidents, theft, burglary. Reinsurance with billions of funds. General Manager: A. YOUGHAPERIAN. BRAILA Headquarters, in the Palace of the Society. General representation for Bucharest, Messrs. MESTUGEAN and AGOPOVICI. Offices Str Biserica Enei 11 bis, floor. Wood warehouses had: A.KOLOLIAN & Co, Principesa Maria alley, 4, (in front of Garii Obor) and A.Vostanighian, “ARAX” firm, 10 Lizeanu str. 1. HOVNANIAN, had a Great Artistic Embroidery Workshop, on 51 Sfintilor str. (dresses, table covers (sic!) pillowcases, all kinds of oriental embroidery, etc.
2. The press was also present: ARARAT announces to subscribers to pay the 120 lei annually. NOR ARSALUIS – appears twice a week, receives subscriptions at 15 Armeneasca str. ARAZ, appears once every 3 days, has editorial office at 3 Ion Nou str., subscription is 500 lei per year (100 francs abroad). It is printed at ASTORIA, STR Pictor Luchian 14. Dr A.S.SALBY, Specialist from Paris, “For diseases and operations of the Throat, Nose, Ears”, Bucharest, Calea Mosilor, 261. 261. GUEDIKIAN, dentist, Graduate from the Faculty of Medicine in Bordeaux. Calea Mosilor 261. Consultations 2-9 p.m. 262. SAMSARIAN, Surgeon mamos, Bulevardul Cuza, 8, Braila, Fratii S.& H. NEFIAN, Covoare Persane, Calea Victoriei 45 (formerly 57). SARKIZ CAVANIAN large shoe store, for men and women LA FLOTA AMERICANA, Calea Victoriei 45. CORNELIU GRIGORIAN lawyer, doctor of law, Calea Mosilor 73. The lawyer of the Armenian Epitropia from the Capital. TACHE ZAHARIAN had a carpentry and furniture workshop at Polona str. 47, Bucharest.
TEBRIZ, factory of Persian carpets, IASI str. I.C. Bratianu, 87. “factory of genuine Persian carpets according to special catalogs from Persia”. SIRAG KISKANIAN President of the examination committee for oriental carpets. Dr. Al. Ekmekdjian, Str. Alecu Russo 8, is the representative of the BERGSON company, which distributes the abrasive cleaning powder. Đ-na NAZICA CERKEZ, diplomat of the conservatory teaches piano lessons, also prepares for the conservatory. B.P.Hasdeu Street, 2, corner with Elisabeta Boulevard. For installations of engines for coffee factories, radios, and all kinds of electric machines, contact the workshops of electrical engineer ONNIG CANTERIAN, Bucharest, str. Berthelot 2, . MISAC PASODIAN’s Carpet and Repair Factory in Arad has moved to Timisoara, str Joffre No 1.
Of course, the list is not complete, although I think it is still representative for that time. The general conclusion is clear: the Armenians were not idle, their effort was directed in all directions. Their tendency to be in the first ranks of the quality of services and products offered is somehow also reflected in the advertisements placed. Their open way towards other ethnicities with whom they collaborated can also be seen from the composition of the members of the “Prevederea” insurance company, where alongside Armenians we find Greeks, Jews, Romanians and even an American. Bucharest, like other cities where the interwar trade pulsated, was a cosmopolitan world where Armenians also had their place. It was the time when the middle class had its normal weight, stimulating the circulation of money and fueling the tone of the treasury. The essential purpose of this social bed was canceled by the radical restructuring of the bases of the economic functioning of the society, which became strictly centralized, which eliminated all the individual entrepreneurial actors. Few, if any, of them have not readapted. They preferred to emigrate. The community energy of the Romanian Armenians registered a collapse and those who integrated were now part of a system where only the general social command mattered. The individual was excluded. When this totalitarian system succumbed to the imperatives of time, the readjustment once again experienced inherent difficulties. The post-December attempt to rekindle the life of the middle class failed under the blows of the moguls who managed to organize an “extractive” society (Agemolu)[1], which does not promise a bright future for any country. It is only now that we begin, with difficulty, to see the reappearance of notable initiatives. But we still have to wait for stable and consistent results. Demographically, the contingent that can be counted on is minor. Whoever is optimistic must accept a difficult and long journey. ARPIAR S. [1] Exclusive-society where the state administration (monarchy, republic, totalitarianism, etc.) through the bureaucratic system extracts the resources of the productive classes for its benefit. (Agemolu, Robinson)
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