…eu admir armenii si pentru personalitatile care s-au afirmat in arta, muzica, pictura, literatura, dar mai ales pentru pricepere, talentul in finante si stralucirea lor intr-un domeniu caruia ii zice COMERT si nu inteleg un lucru… Sa va povestesc:
Prin anii 1959-1965 pe Bulevardul 6 Martie, cum coborai spre Cismigiu, pe partea stanga, cam vis a vis de cinematograful Timpuri Noi, era o pravalioara de unde gazda mea cumpara cafea. Niciodata din alta parte. Asta fiindca armeanul de acolo iti dadea o cafea divina cum zicea gazda. Pe vremea aia turcii nu se prea manifestau cu saorme, legume, iskenderuri si produse de panificatie… La Braila, unde ma autorepartizasem prin 1963 ieseau in evidenta cu braga, alvita si rahat. Pe cand armenii erau mari armatori, iar in ceea ce priveste cafeaua tot armeanul de pe Cuza Voda batea la fund turcul din cofetaria de langa teatru in care se fataiau niste fete tinere in salvari, cofetarie cu biliard, asezata in centru. Daca stam si ne gandim ca dupa revolutie turcii ne-au inebunit cu cuptoarele de paine fleoscaita si pufoasa cand Dimitrie Papazoglu, in vremurile de odinioara scria de brutarul Babic, care era armean, „Nu era altul a scoate jimbla si painea mai frumoasa”. Ma intreb mereu cum de turcaletii se afirma atat de puternic, chiar si pe plan artistic, vezi serialul Suleiman Magnificul si armenii pierd teren, cand au branza karnach sau mklatspanir, sau chechil tel hustas panir, nautul, tahine, celebra basturma, pastrama cea mai buna din lume, carnatii yershig, vinurile, faimosul coniac, etc…
Revista ARARAT si-a facut datoria cu varf si-ndesat si va continua sa o faca, dar, ma gandesc daca pentru omul simplu nu ar suna bine schimbul de vorbe:
Ai fost la noua cafenea deschisa de armeni?
Du-te sa bei o cafea ca lumea. Ca pe vremuri, la Podul Basarab in pravalia lui Carabelaian: Cafea si Coloniale… La „Camila” tii minte cafeaua aia cu naut? Avea un caimac… Ce gust desavarsit. Ce aroma… Avea armeanul zece sorturi de cafea… Ai fost in magazinul din Banul Manta?… Vrei roscove?… nautul de mancat? ciocolata elvetiana SUCHARD, ori minunea pamantului, prajituri invelite in celofan…
De ce nu mai sunt acele pravalii cu minunatiile armenesti? Cat de mult mi-ar placea niste crasme unde sa se serveasca delicioasa KHAS sau HARISA si atatea altele, unde sa poti gasi BASTURMA. Pe langa profit toate astea ar aduce o neasemuita stima si admiratie fata de armeni…
Am vazut la televizor pe domnul Florescu (parca asa se numeste si unitatea unde dansul vinde cafea. Ei, da, asa erau pe vremea studentiei mele pravaliile unde armenii excelau in „Cafea si Coloniale”.
Articolul integral pe araratonline.com
La Camila – Cafea si Coloniale
English version
Actor Valentin Uritescu about Armenian traders
…I also admire the Armenians for the personalities that have asserted themselves in art, music, painting, literature, but especially for their skill, talent in finance and their brilliance in a field called COMMERCE and I don’t understand one thing… Let me tell you : During the years 1959-1965 on Bulevardul 6 Martie, as you go down towards Cismigiu, on the left side, almost opposite the Timpuri Noi cinema, there was a shop where my host bought coffee. Never from the other side. That’s because the Armenian there would give you a divine coffee, as the host said. At that time, the Turks did not really show themselves with saorme, vegetables, iskenders and bakery products… In Braila, where I had self-departed in 1963, they stood out with braga, alvita and shit. While the Armenians were big shipowners, and as far as coffee is concerned, the Armenians on Cuza Voda beat the Turks in the confectionary near the theater where some young girls were playing, a confectionary with billiards, located in the center. If we sit and think that after the revolution, the Turks drove us crazy with their fluffy and fluffy bread ovens, when Dimitrie Papazoglu, in the old days, wrote about the baker Babic, who was Armenian, “There was no one else who made the most beautiful bread and jam”. I always wonder how the Turks assert themselves so strongly, even artistically, see the series Suleiman the Magnificent and the Armenians are losing ground, when they have karnach or mklatspanir cheese, or chechil tel hustas panir, chickpeas, tahini, the famous basturma, the best pastrami hello, yershig sausages, wines, the famous cognac, etc… ARARAT magazine has done its duty with aplomb and will continue to do it, but I wonder if the exchange of words would not sound good for the common man: Have you been to the new cafe opened by Armenians? Not.
Go have a coffee like everyone else. Like in the old days, at the Basarab Bridge in the Carabelaian ravine: Coffee and Colonials… Do you remember that coffee with chickpeas at “Camila”? It had a caimac… What a perfect taste. What a flavor… The Armenian had ten kinds of coffee… Have you been to the store in Banul Manta?… Do you want roscoffe?… chickpeas to eat? SUCHARD Swiss chocolate, or the wonder of the earth, cakes wrapped in cellophane… Why are there no more those pravals with Armenian wonders? How much I would like some taverns where they serve delicious KHAS or HARISA and so many others, where you can find BASTURMA. In addition to profit, all this would bring unparalleled respect and admiration for Armenians… I saw Mr. Florescu on TV (as if that’s the name of the unit where the dance sells coffee. Well, yes, that’s how the slums where the Armenians excelled in “Coffee and Colonials” were during my student days).

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