Nu era o trama stradala dreapta, asfaltata si larga ca acum. Dimpotriva, era opusul acestora. Serpuita, pavata cu piatra cubica, cu diverse cladiri de cele mai variate nivele de inaltime, ganguri si subsoluri cu ferestre de multe ori lipsa de unde exhalau mirosuri mucegaite, blocuri inalte de 3-5 etaje alaturi de casute chircite, case cladite la marginea trotuarului ingust alaturi de vile cu cate o curte larga mai mult sau mai putin ingrijita, strada asta nu prea larga adapostea magazine si dughene de tot felul si trei cinematografe din care a supravietuit doar unul (actualul Europa).
Celelalte doua erau cinematograful Splendid, colt cu Vaselor, si American, colt cu Fainari. Ambele au disparut la rectificarea strazii in anii 1980. Dar acum trei sferturi de veac nu putine firme demonstrau prezenta armenilor in Capitala, iar azi, intorcandu-ne cu 75 ani in urma, ne vom marginii sa hoinarim, impreuna cu cititorul, vechea Calea Mosilor, de la Obor spre Bulevardul Carol I…Pe mijlocul ei trecea scrasnind tramvaiul 21, care avea trei clase in cele trei vagoane de confort si preturi diferite.
La numarul 242, colt cu alea Rumeoara, era cabinetul doctorului Teron Furungian, telefon automat 203/93,boli interne, si venerice. La numarul 63 era cabinetul de avocatura a lui Corneliu Grigorian si Vahan Ghemigean : se ocupa cu procese, obtinere de cetatenie si percepea tarife foarte modeste, conform reclamei. Erau mai multe bacanii pe Mosilor tinute de armeni. Asa era cea de la nr. 211, a lui Dartad Zadig Muradian, de departe cea mai vestita in prepararea amestecurilor de cafele dupa pofta inimii clientului, la fata locului. Sortimentul de articole coloniale si delicatese era inepuizabil. In magazin adastau armeni care o transformasera intr-un fel de club unde se discutau fel de fel de probleme arzatoare la ordinea zilei. In spatele magazinului, cunoscutii puteau sta la o masa si o cafea pentru discutii mai prelungite. Dupa razboi acest magazin a decazut la nivelul unui amarat centru de paine unde Zadig, acum foarte batran, ajutat de fiul sau, lipea bonurile de paine decupate de pe cartelele comuniste. Dar armenii tot mai veneau sa mai schimbe cate o vorba. Si sa ofteze. Dar sa revenim iarasi acum 75 de ani. La nr.266 era o alta bacanie a lui Hovhannes Grigorian. La nr. 246 o alta bacanie a lui Stepan Hazarian, iar la nr.411 bacania lui Harutiun Docuzian.
Nu lipseau desigur furniturile de cizmarie. Astfel un asemenea magazin era la nr. 201, si apartinea lui Bedros Sukias , dar cel a lui Kevork Fesgian, cu acelasi profil, de la nr. 284 era mai mare. Dar nu era singurul. Furnituri de cizmarie mai oferea magazinul Kestanian-Sismanian de la nr. 304, magazinul Hovhannes Mardikian de la nr. 213, si cel al lui Matteos Gharibian de la nr. 262
La nr. 298 era atelierul pictorului Partogh Vartanian, (1898-1954) prezent astazi in licitatii si in numeroase colectii particulare din Romania si din alte tari, dar caruia nu i s-a dedicat pana astazi nici un album. De…asta e!
Un ceasornicar armean de pe Mosilor, la nr. 339 era Hrant Seohleian. Iar la nr. 350 era atelierul fotografic a lui Tigran Kundaccian. Acesta executa in exclusivitate fotografiile artistice pentru presa armeneasca a timpului.
Dar bag seama ca ne-am grabit si am tinut doar strada principala. Dar mai erau afaceri armenesti si pe strazile laterale ce dadeau in Calea Mosilor. Sa trecem si pe acolo.
Pe str, Popa Petre nr. 8 era cabinetul dr. Lazarian. Pe str. Iancu Capitan 5 era cabinetul juridic a lui Berci Garabedian, iar pe Iernei nr.7 cel a lui Teron Bacalian. Pe str. Ion Maiorescu 33, era cabinetul stomatologic apartinand Doamnei Kestanian-Tatarian. (Atestata cu medalie de la Paris).
Angrosistii de manufactura erau adunati pe strada Gabroveni : la nr 6 Hlebnikian-Vartparonian , la nr. 57, Kr. Karakasian, la nr 47 , Iplikian (firma Stephen). Angrosistii de filatura erau pe str Sf Ion Nou, unde se termina Calea Mosilor. Astfel la nr 3 era firma ARAX, la nr 6 era cea care apartinea de Melikian, iar la nr. 1 era a lui Hovhannes Avedikian. Negotul cu Cafea nu lipsea nici el din zona Mosilor. Astfel vedem pe str Coltei 19 firma H.Kellerian. Alaturi, la nr. 21 era cea a lui Sahen Docuzian. Angrosistul de cafea si delicatese Kurken Hovakian era si el in str.Sf.Ion nou la nr.1. Sa trecem si pe la Dikran Hasmanian la pravalia lui din Silvestru 15. Arakel Krikorian avea magazinul de coloniale pe Vaselor 7. Pe Iancu Capitanu 30 intalnim articolele de incaltaminte Hovhanes Baclagian. Acelas profil il aveau si Fratii Narkizian de pe Fainari 48. Tot asa si Ardases Edikardasian de pe Iernei nr.9, ca si Harutiun Ciaparian de pe Calusei 16, Mihran Hovahnessian de pe Ion Maiorescu 38, Stepan Kevorkian de pe Ion Maiorescu 8, si Israel Cociunian de pe Popa Nicolae 11.
In Piata Rosetti nr 8 era magazinul de covoare a lui H. Apelian. Iata si un lacatus cu atelierul pe Episcopul Radu 45: Hetum Sukiasian.
In starada Vaselor nr 37 –surpriza-gasim redactia saptamanalului NORAVEP, editor Aram Harutiunian, tematica: bijuteriile literaturii europene ! Revista aparea in 32 de pagini, si fiecare numar contine cel putin o nuvela. Numarul costa 7 lei.
Strada Baratiei adapostea si ea reprezententi ai comertului armenesc. La nr. 6 era societatea Topalian et Co. cu profilul de manufactura din Anglia. Iar la nr 34 societatea BURSA a lui E. Keaheaian specializata in matasuri.
Pe strada Pictor Luchian 14 (prin Calea Mosilor) era Institutul de Arte Grafice ASTORIA care tiparea, printre altele, si tiparituri armenesti.
Era de umblat, nu gluma, ca sa colinzi toate aceste adrese, si asta numai in zona Calea Mosilor! Calea Mosilor era, pe vremea aceia o mica Armenie cu bucuriile si necazurile ei…
Nu putem incheia aceasta grabita plimbare cu…masina timpului, fara sa redam o reclama care iese din tiparele genului. E mai mult un strigat in pustiu, e un planset, o chemare in necunoscut, un fel de Karunk exprimat sub forma de anunt. Pe aceasta o redam in totalitate, si nu indraznim s-o comentam in nici un fel, din pietate si emotie. Cititorul va judeca singur.
Apartin de neamul Panikian, din Kemah satul Urry. La 18 ani am pribegit peste hotare. In anul 1897 am venit la Bazargic, la tatal meu care din anul 1868 facea acolo negot de cafea si tutun. Am ramas la Bazargic pana in anul 1915. In timpul razboiului am venit in Romania si apoi Rostov. In anul 1919 am plecat in Armenia de unde m-am intors la Bolis in anul 1920. In anul 1921 am venit din nou in Romania si 7 ani m-am ocupat cu comertul de cafea la Ploiesti. In anul 1928 am venit la Bucuresti unde pe strada Lipscani nr 8, am o pravalie de CAFEA cu firma HOGEA.
Fara comentarii.
Adrese, adrese, case, firme, nume, destine. Disparute fara intoarcere precum picaturile unei ploi neasteptate in desertul saharian. Nemilosul simun al istoriei sufla fara ostoire in toate timpurile. Unii se impotrivesc, altii il ajuta. Dar lui nu-i pasa. El sufla mereu.
Anna Nuny
O plimbare pe Calea Mosilor la sfarsit de veac…
English version
It wasn’t a straight street, asphalted and wide like it is now. On the contrary, it was their opposite. Winding, paved with cubic stone, with various buildings of the most varied height levels, gangways and basements with often missing windows from where they exhaled musty smells, high blocks of 3-5 floors next to thatched cottages, houses built on the edge of the sidewalk narrow next to the villas with each one a large yard more or less well-kept, this not very wide street housed shops and pubs of all kinds and three cinemas of which only one survived (the current Europa). The other two were the Splendid cinema, corner with Vaselor, and American, corner with Fainari. Both of them disappeared when the street was rectified in the 1980s. But three quarters of a century ago, not a few companies demonstrated the presence of Armenians in the Capital, and today, going back 75 years ago, we will wander, together with the reader, the old Calea Mosilor , from Obor to Bulevardul Carol I…Tram 21, which had three classes in the three comfort carriages and different prices, passed through the middle of it.
At number 242, corner with Rumeoara alley, was the office of Dr. Teron Furungian, automatic phone 203/93, internal and venereal diseases. At number 63 was the law office of Corneliu Grigorian and Vahan Ghemigean: they dealt with lawsuits, obtaining citizenship and charged very modest fees, according to the advertisement. There were several grocery stores on Mosilor run by Armenians. That was the one from no. 211, of Dartad Zadig Muradian, by far the most famous in the preparation of coffee blends according to the customer’s heart’s desire, on the spot. The assortment of colonial items and delicacies was inexhaustible. There were Armenians in the store who had turned it into a kind of club where they discussed all kinds of pressing issues of the day. Behind the store, acquaintances could sit at a table and have a coffee for longer discussions. After the war, this shop declined to the level of an embittered bread center where Zadig, now very old, helped by his son, glued the bread receipts cut from the communist cards. But the Armenians kept coming to exchange words. And to sigh. But let’s go back 75 years ago. At no. 266 there was another grocery store of Hovhannes Grigorian. At no. 246 another Stepan Hazarian grocery, and at no. 411 Harutiun Docuzian’s grocery. Of course, there was no lack of shoemaking supplies. Thus, such a store was at no. 201, and belonged to Bedros Sukias, but that of Kevork Fesgian, with the same profile, from no. 284 was bigger. But he wasn’t the only one. Shoemaking supplies were also offered by the Kestanian-Sismanian store at no. 304, Hovhannes Mardikian store at no. 213, and that of Matteos Gharibian from no. 262.
At no. 298 was the workshop of the painter Partogh Vartanian, (1898-1954) present today in auctions and in numerous private collections in Romania and other countries, but to whom no album has been dedicated until today. Because…that’s it! An Armenian watchmaker from Mosilor, at no. 339 was Hrant Seohleian. And at no. 350 was Tigran Kundaccian’s photography studio. He exclusively executes the artistic photographs for the Armenian press of the time. But I realize that we were in a hurry and only kept to the main street. But there were also Armenian businesses on the side streets leading to Calea Mosilor. Let’s go there too. On the street, Popa Petre no. 8 was Dr. Lazarian’s office. Berci Garabedian’s legal office was at 5 Iancu Capitan str., and Teron Bacalian’s at 7 Iernei. On Ion Maiorescu Street 33, there was the dental practice belonging to Mrs. Kestanian-Tatarian. (Certified with a medal from Paris). Manufacturing wholesalers were gathered on Gabroveni street: at no. 6 Hlebnikian-Vartparonian, at no. 57, Cr. Karakasian, at no. 47, Iplikian (Stephen firm). The spinning wholesalers were on Sf Ion Nou street, where Calea Mosilor ended. Thus, at no. 3 was the company ARAX, at no. 6 was the one belonging to Melikian, and at no. 1 was Hovhannes Avedikian. The Coffee shop was not lacking in the Mosilor area either. This is how we see the company H. Kellerian at 19 Coltei Street. Beside, at no. 21 was that of Sahen Docuzian. The wholesaler of coffee and delicacies Kurken Hovakian was also in St. Sf. Ion nou at no. 1. Let’s also go to Dikran Hasmanian at his shop on Silvestru 15. Arakel Krikorian had a colonial store on Vaselor 7. On Iancu Capitanu 30 we find Hovhanes Baclagian’s footwear. The Narkizian brothers from Fainari 48 had the same profile. So did Ardases Edikardasian from Iernei no. 9, as well as Harutiun Ciaparian from Calusei 16, Mihran Hovahnessian from Ion Maiorescu 38, Stepan Kevorkian from Ion Maiorescu 8, and Israel Cociunian from Popa Nicolae 11.
H. Apelian’s carpet shop was in Piata Rosetti no. 8. Here is also a locksmith with a workshop on Bishop Radu 45: Hetum Sukiasian. In Vaselor street no. 37 – surprise – we find the editorial office of the weekly NORAVEP, editor Aram Harutiunian, the theme: the jewels of European literature! The magazine appeared in 32 pages, and each issue contains at least one short story. The number costs 7 lei. Baratiei Street also housed representatives of the Armenian trade. At no. 6 was the company Topalian et Co. with the manufacturing profile in England. And at no. 34, E. Keaheaian’s BURSA company specialized in silks. On Pictor Luchian street 14 (via Calea Mosilor) was the Institute of Graphic Arts ASTORIA which printed, among others, Armenian prints. It was a walk, no joke, to visit all these addresses, and this only in the Calea Mosilor area! Calea Mosilor was, at that time, a small Armenia with its joys and sorrows… We cannot end this hasty ride with…the time machine, without playing an advertisement that breaks out of the genre’s patterns. It’s more of a cry in the wilderness, it’s a planset, a call to the unknown, a kind of Karunk expressed in the form of an announcement. We reproduce this in its entirety, and we dare not comment on it in any way, out of piety and emotion. The reader will judge for himself.
T HOGEA SETRAG KAPRIELIAN I belong to the Panikian family, from Kemah, Urry village. At 18, I wandered abroad. In 1897, I came to Bazargic, to my father who, since 1868, was trading coffee and tobacco there. I stayed in Bazargic until 1915. During the war I came to Romania and then Rostov. In 1919 I went to Armenia from where I returned to Bolis in 1920. In 1921 I came to Romania again and for 7 years I dealt with the coffee trade in Ploiesti. In 1928, I came to Bucharest, where on Lipscani street no. 8, I have a coffee shop with the company HOGEA. No comment. Addresses, addresses, houses, companies, names, destinies. Disappeared without return like the drops of an unexpected rain in the Saharan desert. The merciless wind of history blows relentlessly in all times. Some oppose it, others help it. But he doesn’t care. He always blows.
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